Chapter 2

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Felix gets through the rest of the day with butterflies in his stomach. He barely eats at lunch, even though Woojin is yelling at him that he's going to get sick. He can't focus throughout any of his classes. He even acts distant towards Chaeyoung.

"Lix? Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah sorry Chaeng. I'm just nervous for tryouts."

"Don't be. You are the best player on the team by far. You can do it if you really believe in yourself."

She smiles as he lifts her up and sends her home. Felix starts to walk towards the field where all the people trying out are standing he hurried over and he stands next to the only person he really recognizes.

"Hi!" Felix says, flashing a grin

"Hey!" The voice says back, also returning the smile.

"It's Jisung, right?"

"Yeah. You're Felix?"

"In the flesh. What position you trying out for?"

"Running back. I did track in middle school and I do it in the summer, so I'm fast. Also my dad wants me to live up to the football legends in our family rather than 'run around like a pansy' so i'm here trying out."

"Well if you are fast, and can catch a football, that's pretty much ideal."

"Yeah. Well I'll see you after tryouts. Good luck!"

"You two. I'll bet you'll make the team!" The two split up as tryouts started. Felix started off strong. Since he has been quarterback since he started to play football at a young age, he was very comfortable with the game. Chaeyoung and a couple others came to watch. Minho, Woojin, Chan, and Seungmin came to support him. Chaeyoung came back after school to watch him. Other than the journalists there was only one other person in the stands. A dark haired boy sitting at the top. Felix suddenly feels a crashing weight down on top of him. He realizes staring at the boy made him miss the play, resulting in a sack.

"Lee Felix! Keep your head in the game if you want to make the team!" The coach yelled as the defensive player helped Felix up. Felix's heart sinks. He might have just lost his position because of that bad play. They line up after the game. The coach paces up and down, examining them.

"Some of you should be proud of yourselves, and some of you have much room to improve." Felix looks down at his shoes. "I'll have the list posted with positions tomorrow. Dismissed." Felix sadly walked back to his things. Jisung walks up to him.

"Hey Felix! You did really well." He says

"Except for the sack. I completely fucked that up."

"You kidding? You did great. Plus coach loves you. You will definitely get captain. Believe in yourself. I gotta go."

"Bye Jisung." Jisung walks over to the dark haired boy. Chaeyoung runs up to Felix.

"You okay, Lix? You got hit pretty hard." She says.

"I'm fine, Chaeng. Let me walk you home." Felix walked Chaeyoung home, and went home himself. He walked in to his house to see his mom and Nayeon sitting down on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Lix! How were tryouts?" His mom asks.

"Fine. I was a little worse than normal though. But I'll make the team." Felix says assuring himself.

"Oh okay."

"Lix come here and sit with us!" Nayeon says, waving him over. Felix sat with his sister and mom, watching their girly shows. Felix didn't even care. He didn't mind watching his mom and sisters singing competition shows or cheesy drama shows. He got used to it after living with all girls all his life. He got happy seeing them get happy over the shows. He got into some of them, but mostly he just thought it was funny when the would shush him so they could listen, or make him get them food and drinks, since they were watching and he wasn't. Felix loved the way they would get into them, or argue over them. He especially loved it when Nayeon's girlfriend, Jeongyeon, would come over and join them in the screaming and crying. Along with Chaeyoung, Felix was always with girls. He was used to accidentally saying something girly or weird and having his friends look at him with strange looks.

"Hey guys, I'm going to make dinner since this episode is over." Felix's mom says, standing up.

"I'm going to go up and charge my phone then." Nayeon says, running upstairs.

"I'm going to go for a quick walk." Felix says. His mom hands him an umbrella and shoos him outside. Felix opens the umbrella and steps out in the rain. He walks down the street and sees Seungmin sitting in his window doing his homework. He waves to him. Felix continues down the sidewalk and goes into the park near his house. He sees children playing soccer in the park, a couple sitting on a bench, and a familiar dark haired boy. It's the boy from tryouts!

"Watch out!" He hears a kid yell. Bang. Felix gets hit in the head with a soccer ball. Why does this boy always cause me pain? Felix stands up and calms down the kids who are apologizing and sends them off to play. He scans around the park. The dark haired boy is nowhere to be seen. God dammit. He gets disappointed and heads home before dinner starts.

The Dark Haired Boy // changlixWhere stories live. Discover now