Chapter 10

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The two go up stairs to Felix's room. Changbin walks in and sees Felix's perfectly made bed with perfect white sheets and white see through curtains. The color was there in the violet flowers on Felix's window sill and the accents of blue around the room. Felix likes to open his window on rainy days like this. It makes his room smell like that unique smell rain has. He takes a breath in and skips over to where Changbin has plopped down on his bed and they pull out the project materials. Felix starts scribbling results down in his notebook. He doesn't realize how much time goes by when they work.

"I'm hungry." Felix says.

"Me too."

"Let's go get food then." He springs up and grabs Changbin's wrist and pulls him up and drags him downstairs.

"Ah. Stop that hurts my arms." Changbin complains.

"Now you know how I felt the whole way here." Felix retorts. Changbin chuckles sheepishly. They walk into the kitchen and see Nayeon and Jeongyeon eating cereal at the counter.

"Hey guys." Felix says, dragging Changbin behind him by the wrists.

"Hello!" Chanbin greets. Nayeon's eyes light up.

"So you're Changbin! Welcome." She says. Felix starts making slashing motions across his neck, trying to signal to her to stop. She smiles at Felix who is dying and smiles evilly. "I've heard so much about you." She says smiling sweetly. Changbin looks surprised.

"Really?" He asks.

"Why of course!" She says, flashing content smiles at Felis who is melting of embarrassment.

"Hahahahahaha, let's just get some food. What are you guys eating?" He slides into a stool next to them. Nayeon gives him a strange look.

"You can't sit with us!" She says

"Nayeon you can't just randomly give out Mean Girls quotes." He says.

"I agree with Felix" Jeongyeon says. The two of them high five.

"I can do anything I want." She turns to Jeongyeon. "Because I have a big llleeesssbbbiiiaaannn crush on you. SUCK ON THAT." She laughs as Jeongyeon kisses her. Felix makes various gag noises.

"Ew ugh PDA will not be tolerated in this household." Felix jokes. He faces Changbin and with a cold, dead, monotone voice asks him, "So what do you want to eat?" Changbin loses his shit. He starts laughing really loud. Felix looks confused. "What did I do?" he asks.

"I'm sorry for laughing Lix, but the way you were joking around and turned around and used this deep monotone voice was kinda funny to me." Felix doesn't respond and Changbin waves his hand in front of his face. "Earth to Felix!" He says.

"Sorry I just realized, i've never heard you laugh like that. It's cute." Felix says. Changbin slightly blushes. Nayeon and Jeongyeon stare at each other and lean back on their stools.

"I am NOT cute." Changbin says, crossing his arms

"I beg to differ."

"I am not cute!"

"Oh really, I think you need to check your facts there mate." Felix giggles as Changbin chases Felix around the room. He finally catches him.

"Ah shit."

"Take it back."


"Say I'm not cute."

"I don't tell lies, Changbin." Felix giggles. Changbin tightens his grasp on Felix's arm.

"Ugh fine, your not cute." Chanbin let's go of Felix, clearly content with himself. Felix mumbles behind him , "I was totally lying." The pair get some food and head back up to Felix's room. Felix works on putting together his research and putting it on his final presentation.

"Done!" Changbin announces.

"Not done!" Felix retorts. Changbin gives him a playful slap on the arm.

"Since when do you finish before I do. In class you are always right on top of all of your work."

"I wasn't gonna tell you but I gave myself extra work. There wasn't enough work to divide it evenly, so I just gave it to myself."

"Fine, then at least let me help." Changbin asks. Felix gives a nod and he shifts over next to Felix, who is laying on his stomach and does the same. He helps Felix with the last little bit of work, and the two marvel at their newly finished project.

"Alright, now done!" Felix exclaims. Changbin laughs while Felix dramatically plops down on his bed. Changbin does the same. Felix scooches over to where Chanbin is and latches onto his arm.

"Uh hi."


"Any reason you doing that?"

"Not in particular, no."

"Alright." Changbin seems to forget Felix is leaning up against him until Felix springs up.

"I have an english test to study for." He says.

"How paranoid are you? Chan told me that you were freaking out about it. Dude you are fluent." Felix scrunches his nose

"But i just have a feeling Ms. Ahn is going to do something to screw me over. She hates Chan and I because we never pay attention." Felix says.

"If anything I need to be studying. I'm shit at english." Changbin says.

"In that case..." Felix smiles. "Can I help you?"

"If you insist." The two review Changbin's messy notes. Nayeon opens Felix's door and tells them to come down stairs.

"What were you doing?" Nayeon whispers to Felix.


"No I mean, you were like clinging onto him."

"I was just trying to see. Also you know i'm really clingy."

"I know. I remember when we were younger I walked around the house with you clinging around my leg because you thought I was mad at you, and you were crying and I was telling you to get off and you said-"

"I'm not letting go until you give me a kiss. Yeah yeah I remember. I hate when you bring that up. It makes it sound like I actually like you." Felix jokes. Nayeon laughs and ruffles his hair. The siblings and Changbin walk out to see Felix's mom cooking food.

"Hello kids!" She greets. "Changbin are you staying?"

"No, I should probably get going. Thank you so much for having me over!" Chanbin smiles gathering his things.

"Nooo. Stay please." Felix pouts.

"I have to go. How about this? You can walk me home."

"Deal!" Felix liked this compromise. He ran upstairs to grab his sweater. He sees Changbin's hoodie sitting on his floor. I'm just gonna leave that there and hope he doesn't notice I yanked his sweatshirt. He runs down stairs and grabs Chanbin's hand and drags him outside in the rain.  

The Dark Haired Boy // changlixWhere stories live. Discover now