Chapter 23

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Felix and Changbin sit down at their table while Hyunjin slides in next to Seungmin, who is furiously do his homework that is due the next period.

"Seungminnnnn. Have you thought of it?" Felix whines.

"Yes but I don't think I want to say."

"Noooo. Tell me."

"What's going on?" Changbin asks turning around. Hyunjin also turns towards them.

"Seungmin told me my hair reminds him of something or someone so I was trying to guess and-"

"He guessed stupid things. like starfruit, banana slug, daffodils, Woojin, Taeyeon, oh and my personal favorite, the sun."

"What the hell." Hyunjin says giving Felix a weird look.

"It was Elsa. Like from Frozen." Seungmin says. Changbin nods his head in agreement.

"I like Elsa. But not as much as Butter Head."

"Don't call me that!"

"Butter Head."


"Butter Head!"

"If Woojin was here, he would slit your throats." Hyunjin says chuckling.

"Yeah, sounds about right." Felix says. Changbin laughs.

Once the class starts The four sit back at their seats. Changbin and Felix holding hands under the table. Hyunjin leans back and spots them. He elbows Seungmin.

"Do they think they're slick or something?" He whispers pointing to them.

"I wish someone would do that to me." Seungmin hints, sighing.

"Don't worry Min, someone will come along." Hyunjin whispers back. Seungmin groans and slams his head down on his notebook. That dude is either stupid or hates me.

Lunch starts and everyone sits where they normally do. Felix and Changbin are smushed up against each other, Minho and Jisung lounging across their spot. Chan, Woojin and Jeongin are next to each other and Seungmin is staring at Hyunjin, who is oblivious to the fact. Felix looks around at everyone who are quiet. He speaks up.

"So what's up and stuff?" He asks

"I don't know." Jeongin responds.

"I'm trying to get my BitLife medals." Minho says.
"And I'm helping." Jisung responds.

"I have lost all hope." Seungmin dramatically declares. Hyunjin looks over and tilts his head sympathetically.

"You okay?"

"I am now." He says with a little smile.

"Glad to help pal."

"And there it goes once again." He deflates. "Is he oblivious or just plain stupid?" He asks everyone.

"Who?" Hyunjin asks. Seungmin sighs.

"No one. Don't worry about it."

"Okay Min." Hyunjin says looking at his phone.

"I'm going with stupid." Jisung says.

"I'll second that." Changbin says. Seungmin groans and slams his head down on the table again.

Once school ends Felix rushes home to get ready to meet Changbin's aunts. He looks all over his closet to find the perfect thing. He just picks out his collared red shirt to go with his jeans. Changbin said it wasn't fancy. This looks fine. He breathes out and goes down stairs.

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