Chapter 5

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Bros Before Hoes

Seungminnie Mouse

hey y'all i have a favor to ask

Father Chan



Oh god what's up?

Seungminnie Mouse

So today Felix and i got our seats switched in chemistry and i sit next to that kid Hyunjin and he gave me his number and he just texted and asked if i wanted to sit with him at lunch, but i mentioned you bc "Bros Before Hoes" and he said you guys could sit with him and his friends. SO PLEASE?! I WANNA SIT WITH THEM BC I WANT TO SIT WITH HYUNJIN.


oh sure. Wait who are his friends?

Seungminnie Mouse

Him ofc

Seungminnie Mouse

Jisung from the football team


ooh hot Jisung yes please

Seungminnie Mouse

ignoring that lmao anyway

Seungminnie Mouse

That kid Jeongin, the one who's really smart

Seungminnie Mouse

oh and that Emo™ kid Changbin'

Felix could feel himself smiling as he texted back.


lmao ofc we will let you get Hyunjin. I don't mind sitting with them at all.

Father Chan

Sounds good!- Mom Woojinnie

Father Chan

Woojin is studying and didn't feel like getting out his phone lol. But i'm okay with it Seungmin


I'll sit with Jisung any day


There's a reason we call you Minhoe

Seungminnie Mouse

lmao true. anyway thanks!

Felix put his phone back in his bag when he saw Hani approach him.

"Mr.Lee. Why aren't you studying?" She says with a suspicious frown on her face.

"I know this stuff already. Chan and I are fluent." He says smiling cockily while chan flashes her a smile upon being mentioned.

"Alright, but if you don't get a perfect score on your test, I won't round your grade up for the quarter." She says walking away. Shit. The bell rings leaving Felix no time to look over his materials.

"Crap!" He yells.

"Why are you yelling? Be quiet!" Woojin says

"Sorry. But I didn't have time to study."

"Bro we're fluent." Chan says

"Yeah but I don't know what the test is on!"

"It doesn't matter. We know this stuff. English is our first language." Chan reminds him.

"Oh yeah. I feel stupid." Felix says, laughing sheepishly. Him, Chan, and Woojin go to find Seungmin and Minho. Seungmin seems cool despite freaking out earlier.

"Alright guys. Be cool. Especially you, Chan!" Seungmin says, trotting over to Hyunjin and his friends. Felix, Minho, Woojin, and Chan sit down awkwardly. Felix sits next to Changbin with Woojin on his side, then Chan in between Woojin and the smart kid Jeongin. Seungmin has already wedged himself in between Hyunjin and Jisung, and Minho wedged himself in between Changbin and Jisung. The nine of them sat and made small conversations with each other. Suddenly Felix gets a text.


Hey Lix. Can't find you! Wanted to say hi :(

Yeah sorry. sitting outside with others today. See you before classes tho.

Yeah. Okay!

Felix puts his phone down. He would rather talk to Changbin than be on his phone. Changbin and him talk all of lunch. Changbin tells him about his pets, personal life, what he does for fun etc. He feels like he could talk to Changbin forever. Eventually lunch ends and the nine boys head off for their final classes. Felix gets excited that he has made new friends in all of his classes. School has just gotten better for him. After school, Felix meets up with Chaeyoung.

"Hey." She says. "Where were you today?" She asks.

"Oh sorry. Seungmin wanted to sit with his new friends friends. So the nine of us sat outside." Felix explains. "Now the coach wanted to talk to us before we leave I gotta go." Felix says. Chaeyoung says something to him, but he isn't listening. He is thinking about how today went with Changbin as his new partner, and learning more about his personal things. He enjoyed Changbins presence. It made him feel complete. It was then he realised... He enjoyed talking to Changbin more than his own girlfriend.

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