Chapter 14

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"I'm bored!" Changbin cries, dramatically.

"You were the one who asked me to help you study!" Felix retorts.

"Well that was before I got bored. Now I wanna do something else."

"Let's just finish these last ones."

"Okay fine. But we have to something fun after that."

"Deal." Felix helped Changbin with the last couple questions and Changbin fought the urge to groan every time Felix would correct him until it was perfect.

"Okay, that's all of them. Finally. Let's do something fun. It's Sunday for darned sake. We should be enjoying Changlix weekend." Changbin says enthusiastically.

"Got any ideas?" Felix asks


"Me neither."

"Well then that really put a hold on our plans."

"Come on! We can think of something. What's something you've always wanted?" Felix tries to dig answers out of Changbin.

"I want a lollipop." Changbin states flatly.

"Think bigger."

"I want to meet Seventeen."

"Okay, think smaller."

"OH MY GOD." Changbin gasps.

"What?" Felix looks at him concernedly.

"Can we go to the animal shelter at the mall and pet the dogs?"

"That's seriously what you want to do today?"


"As long as they have some cats in there, i'm down. I'll drive." Felix says, grabbing the keys to Nayeon's car and pulling Changbin out the door. "Okay since Nayeon and Jeongyeon took Jeongyeon's car, we can take hers. They won't be back until later and neither will my mom so we have plenty of time to fuck around aimlessly."

"I'm all about fucking around aimlessly." Changbin states, and Felix bursts out into laughter. "Hey I didn't mean it like that, weirdo."

"I'm sorry, just the way you said that was very funny." Felix says, trying to contain himself.

"Let's just go." Changbin says pouting as Felix starts up Nayeon's car. Felix continues to softly chuckle at Changbin's previous comment. Changbin shakes his head at Felix's child like antics. After a while of silence, Changbin pipes up.

"Your sister's car smells like donuts and artificial flower scented perfume." He says. Felix takes a breath in and sighs.

"There's also a hint of spoiled lip gloss and-" He takes another sniff. "The coffee flavored Monster energy drinks."

"How do you know what those smell like from memory?"

"Too many run-ins with them. Let me tell you, they taste like crap."

"I don't enjoy coffee with cream, so I don't like those. Black coffee is the only way you should drink coffee."

"I don't like coffee in general. So the fact that I have gulped down many a Coffee Monster™ says something about the amount of sleep I get."

"Why would you drink them at all. Just like... sleep."

"Oh SuRe I'lL gEt RiGhT oN tHaT sIr ChAnGbIn."

"Jeez stop attacking me. It was just a suggestion."

"I have to stay up and do my homework."

"Then just don't do it, like me."

"That's probably why you're failing classes."

"Can we get a rip in the chat?"

"Stop replying with memes."

"No u."

"Get out of the car." Felix says, pointing at the door next to Changbin. Changbin starts laughing at the serious tone Felix is trying to emit, and ends up cackling when Felix's serious face forms a smile.

"You love me."

"Shut up."

"Admit it."

"Get out of the car we're here."

"Admit it."


"Fine. But I know you do."


"Okay okay. Let's go pet some freaking dogs." The two of them hop out of Nayeon's small red corolla and head into the mall. Various bright lights from store windows shine brightly in the large areas and smells of popcorn and chocolates waft through the air. Changbin squeals and pulls Felix by the arm up the stairs onto the second floor.

"It's up here. Come on Lix!"

"You're really passionate about seeing these dogs aren't you?"

"Who isn't? Dogs are freaking adorable!"

"I'm more of a cat person." Felix says. Changbin lets out a fake dramatic gasp.

"Peasant." Felix shoots him a hurt look. "I'm just kidding. Cats are almost superior. My brother had a cat. It hated me. That's why I have a dog bias." Changbin explains.

"You have a brother?" Felix asks.

"Yeah. I don't usually see him, he stays his room playing his fortnite and being edgy." Changbin says laughing. "My aunts have to yell at him to eat and sleep. It is quite unhealthy."

"Your brother sounds like the worst kind of person."

"He really is" Changbin mutters as Felix pulls him into the store with the animals.

"OH MY GOD ASDKKJHGFF!" Felix squeals as he sees the many dogs and cats in the store.

"I'm having a heart attack!" Changbin squeaks.

"Changbin look-" Felix points to the kittens. "I'm-" Felix squeals.

"You sounded like the physical embodiment of the word 'uwu'." Changbin says, and Felix gives him a silly face. The pair pet all of the dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs, and hamsters they can find. Felix makes sure they have gotten every single one petted before they leave the store.



"Should we go? Its 3 p.m."

"Yeah probably."

"Bye animals!" They both say and walk out of the store and out of the mall. Felix opens the door to Nayeon's little red car and gets hit by a wave of coffee, donuts, and beauty as Nayeon would call it. Changbin scooches in to the seat next to him and the two drive off after spending quality time with some adorable animals.  

Omg I have fake nails on and I can't type well and its kinda annoying. Also i'm a shit writer and horrible with coming up with ideas. I also switched the cover to this book. And also sorry if this chapter is bad or cringey lmao.

q: dog or cat person?

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