Chapter 13: Running Towards the Alley Together

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"MAMA! Come here!" Maria screams her lungs out. "I think Sarah just hit her head hard!" Maria looks at me, her eyes popping out in disbelief.

"What Maria?" Mama comes running behind her and when her eyes land on me, her mouth hangs open and she drops the seeds that were in her gloved hands.

"Mama, do you see what I am seeing?" whispers Maria to mama, loud enough for my ears but mama seems dazed at her view. "Look how engrossed they are with each other. They don't even notice the world around them."

"The teacher kept complaining about their horrible fights in the class for three weeks and last time she complained... I think it was three days ago." mama scratches the back of her head.

"She always called him a brat and now look she is calling him by his name... No way! Did you hear that? She nicknamed him too! She called him D!" Maria utters in disbelief.

"She never stood near him whenever we visited the Adams. The visit always ended up being spoiled by one of their pranks on each other." mama blinks her eyes at her view.

"She always bad mouth about the kid. During our breakfast, lunch, dinner and every other family times together!"

"You guys know that we can hear you?" I ask, grabbing their attention. "You're embarrassing me in front of him." I smile nervously at him, trying to cover up the abruptness of my family.

"It's fine Sari, my mom did the same when you visited my home yesterday." he waves me off.

"DID YOU JUST CALL HER SARI?!" Maria comes from behind and accuses a finger at him with her mouth falling down almost to the ground "No, wait! You also said SHE VISITED YOUR HOME!" Maria shakes her head in utter disbelief.

"Let's go play somewhere else D!" I tug his hand and stand up from the ground and yank him out of the house while I feel my family's eyes burning on my back.

"But I wanted to see your mother's chickens too!" He said with slight despair in his voice.

"We can see them some other time, it's not like we're never going to see each other ever again." and he smiles at me, nodding his head in agreement.

The day at school was also weird for both of us. The whole class went silent when the kids saw us talking and laughing together even the teacher was afraid of us. She thought we were up to some new kind of prank but she as well as the other kids finally believed on our friendship on the third day when they found our behavior still the same towards each other.

It's not like we stopped playing pranks on each other but our pranks were not off-limits like they used to be. They were more fun than before but less scary. Soon we became the best-est friends and now we just wouldn't prank on each other but we would prank on other people together and together we were scarier than anyone could even imagine.

"They are coming shhh!" he whispers in my ear and I giggle, thinking about the worst-case scenarios as we hid behind the bushes.

"Charlie your mother is always being a wall between our plans!" the kid huffs out a breath of frustration and the fat kid rakes his finger through his hair who apparently seemed annoyed.

"I can't refuse her, she is... just very sensitive." utters the fat guy.

"Let's forget about it and sit at our pond." says the other thin boy and both I and brat snort at his statement.

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