Chapter 5 (part 1)

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This is just the first half of the chapter, I'll only be able to get the rest update when I come back from camp, in about 10 days. Sorry there isn't much and that it is taking such a long time.


Chapter 5.

“Ah, Captain and Mrs. Morrely, how good of you to come.” Miss Patterson smiled as the butler let them into the house. “And who is this with you?”

“This is  good friend of mine, Lt. Wesley Chesterton, I took the liberty of inviting him, I hope you don’t mind Miss Patterson.” Robert Morrely introduced.

“Not at all, any friend of Leslie Brighton and her husband is more than welcome here. I have to say, you are the first guests that arrived. You are very punctual sir.”

“It comes from having a career in the army.” Robert chuckled.

“Leslie,” Beth called out with joy.

“Dearest Beth,” Leslie held out her hands and took both of Beth’s. “Congratulations on your engagement, I can hardly wait till it becomes official. Oh, please let me introduce, this is Lt. Wesley Chesterton, he is a friend of my husband’s.”

“Is he also in the navy?”

“Yes, in the same command as my husband.”

“Welcome sir, I am glad you could come.” Beth held out her hand, which Wesley took and placed a kiss on it.

“Please, go into the parlor, the other guests should arrive soon.” Beth motioned for the trio to move forward. “I hope you are well, Captain,” she said as Robert walked past her.

“All the better for seeing you, Miss Warren.” Robert politely said with a smile. As the husband and wife and Wesley approached the parlor, the soft sound of a piano playing filled the air.

“I thought Miss Patterson said we were the first to come,” Leslie said with a puzzled look, “and both Beth and Miss Patterson are in the hall, who could be playing the piano then?”

As if in answer to her question, a soft, angelic voice suddenly blended in with the notes of the piano. The trio froze for a few second, spellbound by the song as it drifted all around them.

“I think it’s coming from the parlor.” Robert stated at last.

“What an enchanting voice,” Leslie’s voice had dropped to a whisper, “and what a strange language, I can’t understand a word she is singing.”

“It’s Gaelic,” Wesley said, “the language of the Scots.” He seemed very agitated at the voice and hurried in front of his friends to the parlor. Sitting behind the piano was a young woman, her auburn hair gathered up stylishly on her head. She was dressed in a deep green dress with white Irish lace around the collar. Her back was turned to him so he couldn’t see her face. Robert and Leslie caught up with him and the three of them watched in complete silence until the girl had finished her singing and turned around to face them.

“I know that song,” Wesley spoke up before the other two had a chance. “I know it because I heard you sing it once, it was several years ago, but I remember it as though it was yesterday. The very song you were singing a moment ago, I recognized it instantly. Do you know what this means?”

“That you have a very good memory?” Oceana slowly stated, lifting one eyebrow.

“No, I mean, well yes, that too.” Wesley stuttered. “But that is not what I was leading too. Don’t you remember, on the shore, in Scotland, about three years ago? You were singing this song and I chanced upon you, and then you just disappeared. I turned away for a second and when I looked back you were gone.”

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