Chapter 13

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I'm sorry I'm a little late with this. Had a bit of writer's block and then there was also a lot of housework to do and I had to sit with my nephew all day yesterday :)

enjoy :)


Chapter 13

Robert Blackwood had come to call on Beth and Oceana again and the three were sitting drinking tea at the hotel.

“You have a very nice family.” Beth was saying to him. “But I’m afraid I didn’t understand a word of what Mrs. MacMorrow was saying the other day."

Dr. Blackwood laughed. “That is little wonder; she mixes Scottie *wi' Gaelic *an' hardly says a word in *comprehensife English.”

“I find it very unfair that Oceana knows Gaelic and so has little problems communicating. I have trouble understand anyone when they speak in English, much less when they start mixing in other words.”

“Ye are English through and through, are ye not?”

“Well,” Beth thought for a moment. “My father was actually from Wales, but I was born and raised in London. I’ve got pure English blood from my mother’s side though.”

“Ah, but ye are still half a Celt, I *kent there was some sort *ay connection.”

Beth giggled at this “I never thought I would admit this, but I’m actually enjoying our stay here. Edinburgh has proved to be a very beautiful city, not at all like London. Somehow it doesn’t seem as smoggy here, though I will say it has its share of factories and dirt. Still, there is something about it that I can’t put my hand on.”

“Perhaps you could bring Miss Patterson here, to prove to her I did not waste her money in bringing her here.” Oceana put in. “It is really thanks to her that we are able to come here.” Oceana explained to Dr. Blackwood. “You see, it was my idea to visit but I don’t have the funds to pay for such a trip. I am after all nothing more than a humble school teacher with hardly a penny to my name.”

“Oceana.” Beth hissed. “You must not talk about such things in public.”

“Oh, it’s not like I’m upset about the fact that I am poor.” Oceana hastened to justify herself. “I actually like being poor. I know it sounds shocking, but riches are death to me. They put you in a cage and dictate how to live your life. No, I’m happy living in my village and teaching the children. We may be poor, but we are not in want and that is the main thing.”

“That is not what I meant.” Beth said. “Dr. Blackwood here could tell you that it isn’t right to discuss your finances like this.”

“Why isn’t it?”

Beth shook her head. Oceana could be so blunt and Beth didn’t know how best to teach her that tact was just as important in your speech as honesty.

“You make enough to live on in the hospital, don’t you?” Oceana turned to Dr. Blackwood.

“Indeed I do. But I am lookin’ to broaden my horizons.” Dr. Blackwood nodded his head and cast a side glance at Beth. Beth blushed a little while her mind raced at how to get the conversation away from the discussion of finances. If there was one thing Beth hated talking about, it was money. Dr. Blackwood saw her discomfort and came to the rescue.

“*Hae any ay ye ladies read th' Home-Comin' by Doyle? It came out just this December.”

“I have.” Beth’s eyes lit up. “Sir Author Conan Doyle is my favorite writer. Come to think of it, wasn’t he born in this very city?”

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