Chapter 10

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Dedicating this chapter to AMorganE. Thank you so much for you support on my story. I truly appreciate it :)


Chapter 10.

November 28th, 1909

Dearest Oceana,

I am writing you this letter out of concern for Beth. It has been nearly half a year since the whole episode with Mr. Burmmington took place and the poor girl is still as miserable as ever. It seems joy has just been suckedd out of her life. She sits at home most of the time, reading or sewing. The only time she does go out is to visit Stephanie and the children. I am getting very worried that if something doesn’t happen, Beth will pine away and end up an old maid. Mr. Burmmington may have broken her heart, but she must not get lost in the past. It is imperetive for her to move on in her life. However, I know for a fact that this will never happen in London. Everything here reminds her of him. It was with this thought that I decided to write to you.

I have approached Beth with the idea of perhaps us going for a visit to the country or touring Europe again, but she says she wishes to stay in London. One could say she wishes to remain in her misery. I do not have the heart to force her to go anywhere, but I know if you invite her anywhere she will go. Do not think that because Mr. Burmmington fancied you over her, means Beth hates you. The girl does not blame you in the slightest, she knows how much you hated him and how you tried to stay away from him.

I beg of you, Oceana, even if you feel it will be awkward for the two of you, due to the whole Burmmington thing, please write Beth and try to get her out of London. It is vital for her to go away and do some traveling. I will pay whatever expenses it will take. Go with her to France, Italy, Switzerland, wherever you wish. Just get her away from London and the memories of Edward Burmmington. You are a creative girl, so come up with a way to help you friend, who in the past has helped you so many times.

Yours affectionately

Rebecca Patterson.


December 10th, 1909

To my one and only Beth,

Winter vacations are almost upon me and I will find my time free from the rowdy children that I still manage to adore and love (and even teach). That being the case, I demand you travel up to Scotland and visit me and Callum in our humble home. It will be good for you to get away from London, and what is more you have never been to Scotland or to my village. Callum should very much like to see you, he only remembers you as a little girl with dark curls and a bright smile. It will be so wonderful if you could spend Christmas and New Years Eve with us.

Beth, I will not take no for an answer. If you refuse to come here I shall travel down to London and drag you here by force! You know well enough that I do not issue idle threats. Pack your warm coats and shawls (for the weather up north can be a little brutal) and book your tickets for a train that will bring you to my doorstep by December 21st (no later than that, but if you wish you may come earlier). I wait your answer RSVP.

Sending all my love,


P.S. Remember, if you do not come on your own, I shall be forced to abduct you.


“Does it always snow like this up here?” Beth asked through chattering teeth as Oceana embraced her at the train station.

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