Chapter 12

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Dedicating this chapter to VictoriaHether.  Thanks so much for you support on my stories :)


Chapter 12

Oceana had come up with a plan. She would take Beth to the library and then set off to find a walking cane for her friend. That way, tomorrow they could still go and sight-see a little. Beth was determined not to go out at all, saying one day of sightseeing was enough for her, but Oceana was sure she could change her friend’s mind. All that was needed was a little time and a good walking cane.

“Why don’t you just go sightseeing on your own, I’ll be perfectly happy in the library.” Beth said as Oceana helped her hobble down the stairs.

“The idea, Beth, is that we spend time together. It’s not fun looking at Edinburg on my own. Rest your ankle today and we’ll see how it is tomorrow.”

“This is probably the reason people take holidays in summer.” Beth couldn’t help but say with a giggle.

“Nonsense, winter holidays can be great fun, the secret is to always watch where you are going.”

“I don’t think it quite fair that it was me who…oh no.” Beth’s voice died and her face went pale.

Oceana looked around and caught sight what had caused her friend to become distressed. Sitting in the lobby, hat in hand, was none other than Dr. Blackwood. A smile came to his face when he saw the girls and he rose to greet them.

“Good morn to ye, lassies.” He stated in a pleasant voice.

Beth didn’t want to be rude, but she was afraid to raise her eyes in case they should meet his again. She looked at the floor and tried to keep from appearing as awkward as she felt.

“Dr. Blackwood, this is a surprise indeed.” Oceana had to take matters into her own hands. “We didn’t expect to see you here. What is it this time that brings you to our hotel?”

“I cam to see if my patient was feelin’ any better.” Dr. Blackwood replied, the smile still beaming on his lips. “And to bring her this.” He pointed to the walking cane resting against the chair he had been sitting on. “I figured she would need it.”

“That was very thoughtful of you.” Oceana said, nudging Beth at the same to respond somehow.

“Thank you, Dr. Blackwood.” Beth forced herself to raise her eyes. “But please don't let us bother you. I am sure you have other patients who need you.”

Dr. Blackwood chuckled. “Nae, I dorn’t. I’m taking somethin’ *ay a holiday an' so I *hae no patients but yerself.”

“What a coincidence.” Oceana couldn’t help from saying. “We are on holiday too.”

“I troost yer ankle is *daein' better, Miss Warren?”

“It is, thank you.”

“Ye made a cold compress yesterday?”

“We did indeed. The swelling has gone down but I still can’t step on it.”

“An’ ye *shooldnae fur a while. *Lit it rest. Were ye on yer way out?”

“Not really, I only wanted to see what books the library has to offer.” Beth said with a smile, nudging Oceana that now might be a good moment to excuse themselves. “There is something of  library here and I was just on my way discover it.”

 “*Allaw me to help ye.” Dr. Blackwood said, handing Beth the cane. Oceana gently released herself from Beth’s grasp and Beth found herself taking the arm Dr. Blackwood had offered her. She shot Oceana and angry look, while Oceana shook her head with a justified expression on her face.

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