Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

 Oceana stood in front of the mirror trying t o decide if she should wear the cream colored dress or the paisley blue one. She was going to call on the Chestertons this afternoon and wanted to look just right.

 Oceana had seen a great deal of the Admiral and Wesley Chesterton during the past few weeks and had come to greatly treasure their company which wasn't at all like the type of society Miss Patterson usually entertained. With them Oceana could actually talk of interesting subjects. Admiral Chesterton would talk a great deal about his seafaring days and give many war stories, which were fascinating and interesting and kept everyone glued to their seats with baited breath. But it was Wesley Oceana liked talking to the most. He was about as quiet as the Admiral was loud, yet he never lacked in subjects to talk about and never let the conversation get awkward. Unlike the Admiral, Wesley could of things that didn't necessarily have to do with the sea. He was well knowledgeable in literature, though sadly he didn't seem to care too much for poetry. He knew enough mythology to keep up with Oceana when she would talk about it and was her competition when it came to history.

 Wesley's visits had become the highlight of Oceana's day and were really the only thing she looked forward to while staying in London.

 Just the other day a note had arrived from Wesley, informing them that the Admiral's old wound was acting up again and he was feeling very poorly. Oceana had decided it was high time for her to return the favor and call on the Admiral and Wesley.

 Miss Patterson had been all for the idea, but was not able to come along as she was going to the asylum to work out the details of Emily Mellwick coming to stay with her in a few weeks time. She had arranged for a chaperon to go along with Oceana, a certain Mrs. Stollard who was a friend of her and often agreed to chaperone young ladies when needed.

 Now Oceana found herself needing to leave in an hour but still unable to make up her mind about the dress.

 "Where is Beth when you need her?” Oceana grumbled It was strange for Oceana, who had never cared about clothes to suddenly be so particular about what she wore. “I wonder if it means something?” Oceana thought as she played with one dress, then with the other. At last with a resigned sigh she ran the bell and waited for Felicity to come up.

 “You called, Miss Oceana?” Felicity asked as she entered the room.

 “I can't decide which dress to wear,” Oceana said with a frustrated laugh. “I need some help.”

 Felicity studied both dresses for a moment. “I would go with the cream colored one, Miss Oceana. Here, shall I help you put it on?”

 “Oh, I think I can manage that myself.”

 “But I am here anyway,” Felicity scooped up the dress. “You are going to call on the Admiral are you not?” She asked as she helped Oceana into the sleeves.

 “Yes, Lt. Chesterton wrote and said he was not feeling well.”

 “Hope you don't mind me asking this, Miss Oceana, but are you fond of the Lieutenant?”

 “I am very fond of him,” Oceana admitted and felt her cheeks going a little hot. “He isn't quite like anyone I have ever met before. I enjoy his company and when I am with him I quite forget about anyone else in the room. Oh dear, that probably sounded very foolish.”

 “Not at all foolish, Miss Oceana, although I will say it did sound a little like Miss Beth when she would speak of the doctor.”

 “Oh no, I am getting 'Beth Syndrome', this cannot be good,” Oceana let out a giggle.

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