Chapter 20

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The saga with my laptop continues. I will be able to get it fixed, but it's not exactly super cheap which means it may take a little longer than I hoped. My sister has kindly let me use hers today, but because she was busy on it as well, I was only able to get one chapter up. The second is nearly complete and my mom said I could use hers tomorrow, so that means I will get it up by then. Sorry again, and thanks for being patient :)


Chapter 20

Oceana was sitting in the library, reading a large volume of Keats when Miss Patterson rushed over to her.

“Oceana, my dear, you will never guess what?”

“What?” Oceana lazily pulled her head out of the poetry.

“Admiral William Chesterton has finally decided to renew our old acquaintance and he did it in a way no one but him could come up with.”

“Oh?” Oceana was intrigued.

“The Admiral remembers my love drama and has cordially invited us to accompany him to the theater. The play will be tomorrow, and we must hurry to buy you a proper dress, I don’t think anything you have is fit for the theater.”

“What are we going to see?” Oceana skeptically asked.

“That play by J.M. Barry, Peter Pan, I’m sure even you have heard of it.”

“Are you sure the invitation came from Admiral Chesterton?” A suspicious look came over Oceana’s face.

“Of course I am, even if he hadn’t signed his name I would recognize that man’s handwriting anywhere.” Miss Patterson was all aglow and smiling. “Come, we must find you a new dress at once. Get your hat and meet me by the carriage.”

Oceana knew she had just met her match at craftiness. No doubt Wesley had kindly put it into the Admiral’s head to invite Miss Patterson and Oceana, that way it was all very harmless on his side but still gave him the opportunity to socialize with Oceana and to make sure she was able to see the play. What were the young officer’s motives? Part of Oceana was very delighted at the interested he was showing her, part of her hung back in fear. Wesley seemed like a very nice sort of fellow, but she hadn't really known him that long. Only for about a month and a half back when she had first met him and now she had seen him three times. That wasn't long enough for her to decide whether she was going to trust him with her heart just yet.

Oceana was deep in thought as she traipsed from shop to shop with Miss Patterson and found it very hard to focus on choosing a dress for tomorrow's occasion. When at last they got home Oceana came to a decision. Beth was returning in about a month, during the space of these four weeks she would give Wesley a chance to prove himself to her. If he turned out to be trustworthy she would pull down the wall and allow him to know more about her, allow him to have a glimpse into her heart, who knows, maybe she might just trust him with it. If he turned out to be less than worthy she would return home and that would be the end of her communication with him. Once she had all this settled in her head, Oceana actually began looking forward to visiting the theater tomorrow.


Wesley was trying very hard not to look as excited as he felt. Admiral Chesterton glanced at him and let out a chuckle.

“Relax, my boy, it is not like you are going to propose to the girl. You weren't even the one who invited her.”

“Oh I know,  I know,” Wesley impatiently remarked. “I just hope everything goes well, Oceana can be a little unpredictable.”

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