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♫ you deserve more - sad boy with a laptop ♫

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you deserve more - sad boy with a laptop

Everytime Piper walked through the school halls, she still felt that same pain she felt when she had that nightmare. By the look on Leo's face, she could feel his pain too. He looked at her and gave her a soft smile, he faked it though. She sighed and continued to walk with him down the halls.

This morning, she did her daily visits to Rosalia's house. Since her foster parent's were planning to kick her out, the Lopez family had been scraping up some money for an apartment for Keanu and Rosie to live in, and since Keanu would be turning 18 before the baby would be born, things were going to be fine.

As she continued those thoughts, she bumped into someone, mentally cursing herself out in the process. She picked up their books and handed it to them, it was Wil Wheaton. He stared at her and grabbed his books from her harshly, not even saying thank you, then he proceed to walk forward, bumping Piper's shoulder.

She turned to him and gave him a disgusted face. "You're welcome asshole!" She yelled down the hall, gaining his attention. "Look where you're going next time!" He yelled back. "Maybe if you payed attention yourself, you wouldn't have bumped into me either" She responded making him flip her off. "Go fuck yourself" He replied, making Piper try and lunge at him but Leonardo had to pull her back making Wil laugh and leave.

"What is that kids problem?" Leonardo questioned Piper, making her roll her eyes. "It's his angst and ego, I don't care though" She responded, opening her locker and fixing herself in her mirror.

"Piper!" River yelled from across the hall, running towards the girl. Piper stared at her friend blankly. "What?" She asked River. "Johnny wants to talk to you" River said to her making Piper raise one of her eyebrows and sigh. "Where is he?" She asked, crossing her arms. "In the janior's closet" He said making her groan. "This better be good" She said, slamming her locker and running inside the janior's closet, Johnny wasn't there yet.

About 5 mintues later, he arrived in pure fear. "What the hell is up with you?" Piper asked him and he ran hus fingers through his hair, shakily. "Keep your voice down" He said to Piper, placing his hands on her shoulders, making her smack them off. "What's going on?" Piper whispered and he took a deep breath. "It's Christina, she did something to Winona last night and she's no where to be seen, she's telling everyone that Rosalia's kid belongs to me not Keanu, and Winona ran away when she found out which is not true! I never had sex with Rosalia, I only had sex with Anna, and plus Winona went missing before Christina started telling people and its all because I rejected her!" Johnny whispered, his hands shaking and Piper's eyes widened.

"What the hell do you mean Winona's missing? Who was the last person she was with?" Piper said. "This kid named Wil, I don't know, him and Christina were speaking last night, and I had to be discrete, I'm so done with her bullshit, even Jonathan had to leave" Johnny said. "No offense because I do care for Winona, but why are you telling me this, shouldn't you be reporting this to the police?" Piper asked. "I would but Christina has been watching me and I'm afraid, afraid of Keanu and her" Johnny said. "It's alright, we will find her okay" Piper said, hugging Johnny tightly.

When they left the janitors closet, the halls were ghostly and nobody was there. "We will skip okay? We will start looking for her, and if we take too long we will notify the police okay?" Piper whispered to Johnny, making him nod. She took his hand, and they left school, to find Winona.

In Spain

lets eat pocky and look at stars together - sad boy with a laptop

"Mija, do you think we should paint the baby's room yellow or pink?" Mrs. Lopez asked her daughter, holding up two the two tester colors.

"Yellow" Anna responded with a smile. "Mom you're really excited for the baby" Anna said making her mother nod frantically. "I've always loved babies, it's just I haven't raised or been around one in so long my maternal instincts just intensifies" Mrs. Lopez said. "So did you and dad really buy Keanu and Rosie an apartment?" Anna asked her mother. "Why yes we did, with the help of Keanu's family too, you see we wanted the best for Keanu, he's done so much for the family he's like the son I never got to have" Mrs. Lopez said making Anna laugh. "Mom you do have a son, Corey!" Anna pointed out. "Corey hasn't developed yet he's still an infant and gender wise he isn't male or female, he's...Corey" Mrs. Lopez said. "But I miss my son so much, and he's graduating this year" She said.

"We're gonna be there don't worry mami, and then he's gonna move to Spain with us. You've gained so much money in Spain I'm proud of you!" Anna said, hugging her mother. "Thank you mija" Mrs. Lopez said, hugging her daughter even tighter.

contain my worries - sad boy with a laptop

The two looked through the harsh woods fot about three hours know. Piper's legs were so sore and she felt as if she was catching a fever. She closed her eyes and flashes of her nightmare came back, the blood, the tears, and Leo. She didn't even noticed she fell back, but Johnny luckily caught her.

"Piper! Piper! Are you okay" He said loudly to her, but to no avail, she couldn't speak, she was mute. He started to smack her tightly on the cheek. "Wake up! Wake up!" He yelled while also shaking her. Her brain was on fire and all she could picture was the bloody handprints. She tried to yell but her mouth wouldn't move.

Suddenly, there were footsteps approaching the two. It was almost like the footsteps approaching Piper and Leo in her nightmare, Piper thought. She finally let out a yelp and coughed up saliva. She could move again, all normal. "Piper, what was that?" Johnny whispered to her, still clutching her tightly. She started to cry and hold him tightly as the footsteps approached them.

They both looked up to see Wil, holding Winona bridal style, but she was limp, and had a bruise around her neck. She was strangled, Johnny let out a bloody scream and lunged at Wil, dropping Winona's corpse in the process. Piper ran towards Winona, and started to cry. "What did he do to you" She said, knowing she wasn't going to respond.

Then they all heard police sirens and flashing lights. Wil and Johnny stopped fighting and Wil ran for his life. River, Corey, and Keanu ran to Piper and saw Winona's corpse, Corey let out a scream and hugged River tightly. The cops held Christina by the arm, they had found out what she had planned. She gave Johnny one last look before, they placed her into the police car. The paramedics grabbed Winona and a distressed Piper, making Corey scream.
"Don't take her, don't touch her!" He screamed, but River wouldn't let him through. Keanu stared at Johnny but gave him a nod, this was not his doing, he understood.

News of Winona Ryder's death struck Miami, Florida. People were on the hunt to find Wil. She had been kidnapped and strangled, killed by Wil and masterminded with Christina. Rosalia had to leave the Teal family for safety reasons, their relation to Christina, so Rosie had to stay with Keanu until their apartment was ready. Piper after all the consoling had been fine, but still traumatized.

everything was traumatizing

A/N: I am not making this book Supernatural AT ALL. Piper is developing a mental disorder it's all. I didn't want to make it a cliche book I wanted to had Crime in it too, so RIP Winona. No disresepct to any of the real people its no threat I wanted to make Socks interesting!

keep reading ⚫

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