Chapter Two

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When Sabrina and I came to London to visit Harry for the first time, I was extremely nervous. It had been a whole two years since we'd seen him, and in that time he has gone on the X Factor, become part of a boyband, gotten third place on the X Factor, signed a record deal, become famous all throughout Europe and the US, had a European and American tour, and was now preparing for a world tour. At school back in Chesire, people were always asking Sabrina and me about him. It. Was. Weird.

Another weird thing was when One Direction made it to the live show, Sabrina would say weird stuff while we were watching together. Things like, "Harry's so hot." or "Sabrina Marie Styles. I like it." was she starting to fancy him?

I looked over at her as we walked out of the gate and into the airport. Obviously he would choose her, not me. I pushed the thought aside and looked for the curly hair I loved so much.

I spotted him and started running towards him. He saw me too, and a smile broke out on his face as I jumped into his arms.  



"I've missed you so much!" we both said, causing us to laugh. We held the hug for another twenty seconds, before we pulled away, both of us wearing goofy grins.  

"Did your hair get curlier?" God I love his green eyes.  

"I hear fame does that to you." he said laughing. I rolled my eyes. Man I missed his laugh.  

"Same old Harry." A voice said behind me.  

"Sabrina!" Harry yelled before tackling her in a hug. He pulled away and took our hands. "Ready to meet the boys?" he said, a gorgeous smile still on his face.  

"UH, YEAH!!" Sabrina said, smiling just as big. I gave a little nod, my smile already gone. He started to pull us through the airport to wherever they were. God I hated meeting new people.

As we got closer to the four boys, I saw all their eyes snap to Sabrina. Typical.

Harry dropped our hands. "Lads, this is Sabrina and Adriene. Girls, this is Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam." 

"UH, who doesn't know you people?" Sabrina said as she gave Louis a hug. He mouthed "hot" to Harry as she pulled away to give the other boys a hug. Harry gave a "I know" look back. Harry nudged me in the back, and getting the message, I reluctantly gave each boy a hug.

An hour later we were all sitting in Harry and Louis' flat. The entire car ride there Sabrina had talked with the boys, while I just looked at my hands. Harry kept giving me "are you okay" looks, and everytime I responded with a small smile and a nod. They weren't fake smiles. Harry just had the ability to make me smile.

At the flat, the boys were asking Sabrina and me basic questions. One I remember was from Liam.

"Are either of you going to college?"

"I am." I piped up. "Cambridge, to be a science teacher." They all gave me looks of awe at the fact that I got into Cambridge, and Louis yelled "We gotta smarty in the house!"

"I was uh...." Sabrina said, "Hoping to become a model." My eyes grew wide. Since when?

"Well, you definetly look the part." Niall said.

"And One Direction would love to help kick-off your career." Harry said, the boys all nodding in agreement.

Sabrina smiled. " You guys are the best! Oh! We have a surprise for you!" she glanced at me. " You know that flat across the street? Well Adriene and I just happen to be moving in."

"When?!?" Harry screamed, jumping out of his seat.  

Sabrina and I walked over to the window. "Looks like now." I said, pointing to the moving truck.  

"AHHHHH!" Harry pulled us into a hug. Soon after the other four boys joined in. I smiled, thinking how awesome this was going to be.

Awesome isn't how I would describe it at all.

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