Chapter Three

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When I woke up, my cheeks were still damp from crying last night. I turned off my alarm, my head pounding.

After I had gotten ready for work, I got into my car and pulled out into the street. I glanced over at Harry's flat. Sighing I took off down the street, tears falling down my cheeks.  


I remember the day when I first started liking Harry. We were eight and at school. We had just had a mud fight, and my pink dress and white shoes were now brown. Some girl in our class walked up to the two of us, glaring at me.

"You are really gross. And bloody ugly too!" she sneered, jabbing me. It's not like I disagreed. My teeth were crooked and my hair was never brushed. I looked down, hoping she'd leave.

"Ey! Adriene is the most prettiest girl in the world. Leave her alone!" Harry said, wrapping an arm around me. The girl marched off, annoyed. Harry looked at me. "Don't listen to them."  

I nodded and smiled at him. Then we continued on with our mud fight, but all I was thinking was "he thinks I'm pretty" over and over.  


God I wish I could go back to that time. Before Sabrina.

I am a waitress at a restaurant in London. I work a shift from 12-9 p.m, Sunday thru Thrusday. It's an okay job, and helps me pay for my end of the rent. On this Tuesday however, my mind wasn't there. All I could think about was Harry and Sabrina.

Sabrina and I have been living in London for three weeks. The first couple of days the boys helped us move into our flat. That's when I first started to notice Harry and Sabrina being weirdly close. Like really weird. They would stand in a corner by themselves and talk and giggle quietly. It was confusing. Harry and I were always closer than Sabrina and him. So why was it he was ignoring me and talking to her? 

And it wasn't just Harry. The other four boys had hit it off with Sabrina, but I was just some girl they had to be nice to because I'm Harry's friend. I blame that on my shyness. It's always been that way. Harry was my only friend for a long time, then Sabrina came along. They have other friends, who are "technically" my friends, but I only have them. I'm just bad with people.

It was like that for a good week. Then one day I was coming home from work, and when I walked in I saw Sabrina and Harry sitting on the couch. Snogging.

"What in bloody hell?!?" I screamed out. I clamped my hand over my mouth. They pulled apart and turned towards me. I wanted to scream.  

Harry's face grew red, while Sabrina had some weird triumphant look on her face.

"Are you two......?" I stuttered out. I wanted to cry my eyes out. They both nodded their heads.

I plastered a fake smile on my face. "YAY!!!" I screamed with fake joy. I wanted to die.

They told me about how when they were reunited, it felt different. They felt attracted to one another. Harry had apparently come over earlier, and asked Sabrina to be his girlfriend. And she said yes.

My heart was literally broken. I congratulated them, and pretended to b happy before I headed for bed. Once I was alone I fell to the floor and cried. I didn't fall asleep that night.

I was pulled out of thoughts when a heard a woman scream. I looked at her and realized I had just poured the soup I was carrying on her.

"Oh-Oh my god! I-I'm so sorry!" I stuttered out.

"Ms.Grabb!" I heard my manager yell. Oh crap. Another waitress came over and started to help the lady, while I walked towards my manager's office.

Ms. Grabb, this is the third time you've done this, and I'm sorry to say-"

"Please! I-I can't lose this job! Please sir, it won't happen again."

"I made the mistake of believing you the first two times. You're fired. Wash your uniform and then bring it back." I nodded my head and quickly walked out of the restaurant. Now? This had to happen now? I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I quickly got into my car, but I was too unstable to drive. My life was falling apart. Everything I knew was gone.

After about ten minutes of just sitting and crying, I finally left for my flat. It was only three in the afternoon when I got home. I walked inside throwing my stuff on the couch. I heard feet runn down the stairs.

"He-Oh it's you." Sabrina said, her smile dropping into an annoyed look. "Why are you here?"

"Sabrina, ca-can you pay for my part of the rent this month? I've been fired, and there's no way I can cover it."

"Should of thought of that first. So, no." she glared at me.

"Bu-But in order to pay it I-I'll have to dip into my college savings an-and your a model." I was looking straight at the ground.

"Like I care! Figure it out!" she yelled, pushing me as she headed towards the door.

"Bu-but I barely have any left. I don't even think I can afford Cambridge."

"I don't give a shit. Maybe you should of thought of that!" she walked out the door. I fell to the ground, tears running down my cheeks. What am I going to do? 


"He-hey mum. Yeah I'm fine. You? Good. Look, I......I can't afford Cambridge. I know I said I'd be-"I tried not to cry while my mother yelled at me. "I wanted to go! I don't know, I'll just.....figure it out. I-I'm gonna take out loans. I know you don't want me too, but I have too! Mum, I'll figure it out." I hung up. Everything I had worked for could be gone. All those years I spent working my ass off to get good grades.

But why wasn't I that upset?

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