Chapter Nineteen

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Have you ever gotten  your hopes up just for it to crash in for face? Have you ever gotten excited for something just to see it not happen? Well that just happened to Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and me. All thanks to Paul.

Stupid Paul.

We were told that after our show in Quebec, we would pick up Sabrina, Eleanor, Danielle, Camille and McKenna from the airport. So naturally, the six of us were all extremely happy. The day after the concert we all got onto the tour bus. We were all surprised, as Paul said we would be getting a bigger tour bus since five more people were joining us, but it was the same one as before.

"Don't we need a bigger one?" Liam asked Paul.

"Why would you need a bigger one?" Paul said back.

"Because five people are joining us on our tour." Louis said.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you!" Paul clapped his hands together. "They aren't coming until we're in Florida, so you all have to wait another two weeks."

"PAUL!" We all screamed. So, its all his fault that these two weeks on the bus have living hell.

I think we each had reasons as to why we were so crazy. Harry, Liam and Louis were anxious about seeing their girlfriends that they hadn't seen in five months. Zayn told me he was excited to meet my friends, but nervous because he wanted them to like him. He didn't tell me this, but I know he's also nervous about me seeing Sabrina.

Niall, is excited and nervous to see McKenna. He fancies her, even though I clearly explained that she has a boyfriend, and that there was no flirting allowed.

These two weeks have also been the weeks of never-ending pranks.

It started with Louis. Everyone except Louis woke up at two in the morning covered in water. Then when we got out of our beds, we were covered in flour.

So naturally, I needed to get revenge. Zayn and I taped him to his bed with clear tape so that he wouldn't be able to move. We set an alarm, and recorded Louis freaking out because he thought he was paralyzed.

This led to Louis replacing all of Zayn's hair stuff with some weird liquid. The problem was, Niall used it first. But instead of blaming Louis, he blamed Zayn.

So Niall went on top of the tour bus, and was going to drop a balloon filled with syrup on Zayn. But he moved and it landed on Harry instead. And you do not get stuff in Harry's curls.

So Harry made brownies for Niall. But he put an entire bottle of vinegar in the batch. Niall nearly cried because he felt so betrayed by food.

Then randomly Liam stole all of Louis' striped shirts, and he had a mental breakdown.

Then Louis hacked into Liam's Twitter and tweeted that Danielle was just a cover-up, and that he's really dating Niall.

This made Liam really mad, and I had to step in because they started screaming at each other.

"STOP!" I screamed. Liam had his fist up in the air like he was about to punch him, while Louis was about to throw his phone. "We are all nervous and excited about our friends and girlfriends coming. But don't take it out on each other!" They both said sorry and hugged it out.

Thankfully, it came to an end, and we arrived in Miami. We got a tour bus that had a slightly bigger lounge and bathroom. After all, we won't be sleeping over in it, we'll stay in hotels.

"ELEANOR! I'M COMING!" Louis screamed when we walked into the airport, receiving a lot of stares.

We all stood by the gate that they were supposed to come out of. Louis and I were bouncing up and down, Liam was staring a hole into the gate, Niall and Harry looked nervous, and Zayn held my hand tightly. He kept glancing at me to see if I was okay. Every time I'd give him a smile. I didn't mind, it just shows how great of a boyfriend he is since he cares so much.

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