Chapter Twenty-One

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I'm about to get really deep. I thought it would be nice if I told you. Here I go.


They affect your life in so many ways. One decision can completely change your life forever. And once you make your choice, you never know what could have happened if you took the other option. Sure, you can imagine what you think might have happened, but you never really will know.

Your actions affect not only you, but the ones around you. If someone dies, the people closest to them will be affected. But say you never knew that person who died, but you knew someone who was close to the him. Their death affects your friend, and your friend will then affect you.

Actions are like your choices. I think everyone will make at least one choice in their life that they will remember forever. I've made a lot of memorable choices already.

The first is my choice to invite Sabrina to play with Harry and I. That forever changed my life. Another is my decision to move into London with Sabrina. Another is when I decided to walk into the Darling Cafe, and met McKenna. When I poured beer on Sabrina. When I announced that I like a boy in One Direction in a live interview. When I decided to set it up so Zayn would have to ask me out.

When I chose to hide the things Sabrina's done to me from Harry.

Some of my actions have gotten me good, while others the opposite. But what's the point of regretting something when no matter what, you can't re-do it.

My decision to sing a song about Sabrina.

Harry's decision to ignore the fact that I sang that song, to act like it never happened.

And my decision to run.

It's an action that begins our lives, actions that make up our lives, and actions that end it.


The boys sang the last note to "Up All Night", said goodbye, and then walked backstage to where I was sitting on the sofa. I was a nervous wreck. As soon as they stepped of the stage I shot up.

"Good job." I managed to say. Zayn gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and the boys all gave me smiles. I could tell that just like me, they were awaiting Harry's reaction.

He smiled, but it seemed forced. "Good job Adriene. It was a pretty ordinary show."

"O-Ordinary?" I stumbled out.

"Yeah." he shrugged. "You sang your two songs, we came on, sang, did the Twitter thing, sang some more, and then we were done."

My eyes grew wide along with the rest of the boys. He shrugged again and walked towards the dressing rooms.

"Adriene, maybe we all need to sit down and ta-" Liam started, but I cut him off.

"No." I backed away from Zayn, picking up my backpack. "I need..... I need to be alone. Just leave me alone. I-I'll be back late tonight." I turned and started to walk, but I felt Zayn pull me back.

"Adriene....." he said softly.

Tears filled my eyes. "No! I need a walk! I'll be back late. P-Please do-don't follow me." I pulled my arm out of his hand and ran out the exit door before they could see me cry. I just kept running. And running.

I stumbled into a McDonald's. "I just want an Oreo Mcflurry." A few minutes later I had my treat, and soon I was running, not caring where I went.

Like usual, I ended up in some park.

"Why are there so many fucking parks?!?" I muttered as I sat down on the ground, my back against a tree. I realized that I was still wearing my concert clothes. Ah, well. The stylist can yell at me all she wants.

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