Chapter Fifteen

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It's been a month since I declared that I like a boy in One Direction. And it's been full of sand, Spanish, Portuguese, and tabloids. Lots and lots of stupid tabloids.

Ever since I said I like one of the boys, the tabloids have had a party. One day it's Louis and the next day it's Niall. And the fans haven't stopped either. One thing I've noticed in concerts are signs that read my name and one of the boys name, or a sign that says "WHO DO YOU FANCY, ADRIENE?"

The fans even ask the boys through Twitter. Multiple times the question "Do any of you know who Adriene fancies?" has popped up during the part in the concert where the boys answer Twitter questions. Oh, and don't even get me started during Twitcams.

The funniest part for me (And Louis and Harry as they know) is the tabloids. Everyday there's a new one saying "Adriene fancies so-and-so," and there's always a picture to prove it.

Louis is apparently the front runner in the boy that I fancy, and Harry is a close second. There's this one picture of me and Harry sitting on the ground next to each other. We are looking at one another and we're both laughing. It's actually really cute, and Harry and I asked the tabloid to give us each a copy. (Because we're friends!)

The best picture by far was where we were all sitting at a table in some restaurant, and I was, according to the magazine, staring at Louis lovingly across the table. The funny part is, I was staring lovingly across the table at Zayn, who was sitting next to Louis. Ah, silly mistake.

The stupid thing is, whenever it might be Liam, Louis or Harry, I'm accused of stealing their girlfriends. The hate has doubled on Twitter, so I don't bother to go on anymore.

But when it might be Niall, everyone is like "Awwwwwwwww! So cute! Nidriene all the way!" And then I sit there like, no! No Nidriene!

The worst part is that I haven't seen a single magazine, tweet, newscast or picture that says I fancy Zayn. Like, what the hell!

Every time I link my arm with his, or stare at his back, or take his hand, no ones around to take a picture.

But when I look in the direction of the other boys, BAM! Headline! Adriene looks at whoever, so it has to be him!

The only reason I said I liked one of the boys was so the paparazzi would start taking pictures of me with the boys, and hopefully Zayn would see me staring lovingly at him, and realize! Well, that freakin' backfired!

And now I have to deal with all this other shit!

Like with the boys. They randomly make a perfectly fine, normal moment awkward by asking me who I fancy. Like, hello? I'm NOT going to tell you!

One time however, I gave them a hint.

"Just give us a hint!" Niall whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine!" I thought for a long time. "His name has an 'A' in it."

"AHA!" Niall screamed, jumping up and pointing at me. "It's Harry!"

"Niall, everyone has a 'A' in their name except Louis." Liam said. Niall hung his head low and fell back into the chair.

"YOU DON'T LOVE ME?!?" Louis screamed. I rolled my eyes and he winked at me.

So I did a lot of interviews after my first one, and they always asked who it was that I fancy. At first I said that I couldn't answer that, but then I started saying he has an 'A' in his name.

This only made the idiot people of the world think I like Louis more because why would I single him out like that? She's trying to make us think its not him!

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