Chapter 1

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[Hi guys! However you found this book, whether you wanted something like this, or just stumbled upon it, thanks for reading! ^w^]

(Lmao Bit POV)

              I woke up in a dark room, sitting on the floor. From what I could tell the room was empty besides me, a mirror on one wall, an open laptop on the floor next to me, and an unplugged USB. For a reason I can't explain, I plugged the USB into the back of my head. Then, everything came back to me. I remembered who I was, but still how I got here and recent events were fuzzy. 

              I hauled myself up to my feet and looked in the mirror. I was kind of beat up, but I could still recognize my self. I am an orange and white fox with orange hair, and an orange flower in my hair. I also have an orange Bonnie puppet on my right hand from my sister Lolbit. My puppet's name is Lolbon, because it was originally supposed to be for my sister, but she gave it to me, so here it is.

              Then, I remembered. Lolbit is missing. "What do I do? What do I do?", I thought. I reached over to examine the laptop. It still had a program open. Unfortunately, I recognized it. It was an application used for generating and deleting animatronics' memories. It was originally designed to help people with trauma and loss. I assumed this to be the reason for why I couldn't remember anything.

              I ran over to and out the door into an empty pizzeria-looking restaurant. It was empty and all the lights were off. Then, I heard footsteps and ducked back behind the door into the empty, dark room.

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