Chapter 8

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(Hellooo! Nothing to say this chapter. Stop reading what I have to say and read the dang book)

(Lmao Bit POV)

                       I woke up to the sound of two voices talking. One was the masculine voice I heard before I fainted. The other had a familiar tone that I just could seem to completely recognize. I pretended to stay unconscious, so I could hear their conversation. "We just can't let her stay with us," said the male voice. "We have to," responded the familiar one. "If you haven't noticed, we have been a little short-handed since the incident and we need all the help we can get" "Fine, but only because she's hot."

                       I chose that moment to wake up. "Hey! She's awake," exclaimed the guy who was speaking earlier. He was looked like Max, except with white instead of black. I saw who he was talking to and my heart sank. It was my cousin Bitty. There were also three other animatronics in the room with us. There was a green bunny with a top hat, a hippo, and another fox in the corner. He had a black and orange color scheme. They had all been quiet while Bitty and the blue and white fox were talking.

                      "Well guys, introduce yourselves," Bitty said,"Disco Jockey, since you've taken such a liking to Lmao Bit, you can go first." Disco Jockey turned red and then growled," Don't call me that, :P Bit!" Yeah, Bitty's real name is :P Bit. To pronounce it just make clicking noises with "Bit" at the end. "Well, Lmao Bit, my name's DJ" Next, the bunny came up to me and introduced himself as Sparty and the hippo told me his name was Rad. Then Bitty came up to me and pointed to the fox in the corner. "That's Cody."

                        "Why can't he introduce himself," I asked. "Can he not talk" "Well, he can but," Bitty started," he doesn't feel like it" I looked at Cody and he gave me a nod. Bitty pulled me aside while her friends chatted. "I know we left on bad terms," she said. " I assume you heard about her." I nodded grimly as she continued. "We need to help each other to get her back." With that for me to think about, she went to go hang with her friends. I went to upstairs, because it looked quiet, and opened up the laptop.


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