Chapter 12

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(Lmao Bit POV)

                       "Bitty! What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at Bitty who was yelling through a megaphone.  "Oh, you didn't tell her?" She asked Sparty through the megaphone. I was getting to that!" He yelled back. "So Lmao Bit, we do this thing called a Rumble-" He was cut off by the waking Rad, finally up from his blackout. "Is it time, for the Rumble?" He asked. "Yeah!" Bitty yelled with the megaphone. "Go get geared up!" "Oh my god, Bitty!" I was getting annoyed. "Stop it with the damn megaphone!"

                          "So, Lmao Bit, " Sparty said again. "So, when you started to hang out with Bitty and the rest of us, you unwillingly agreed to be part of the OC Gang, one of the gangs in this city." "Unwillingly agreed?" I asked confused. "That's an oxymoron." "Yeah, well you unwillingly agreed," Sparty said again. "So, you said we were one of the gangs in this city. What are the other ones?" I inquired. "Oh, well I don't know all of them, because there are double-agents who work for multiple gangs," Sparty mentioned. "But I will tell you the ones I do know" He then listed off the Toy Gang, the Sister Location Gang, the Phantom Gang, and the Nightmare Gang. He did have more negativity in his voice when he listed off the Toy Gang.

                          "So, that alarm signaled a Rumble, which are common occurrences, around here," Sparty stated. "Today, the Toy Gang has challenged us to a Rumble." I looked around. Everyone but me and Sparty were fully geared from head to toe, ready to fight. Bitty had her retractable claws activated, and her stainless steel gold crown, notifying the opposing Gang that she was the leader. Dj had dual swords, similar to Max's, though without magical properties, strapped to his back. He also had an Endoskeleton Buddy (Think Mangle) protruding from his left shoulder. Even Rad had a razor sharp dagger attached to his side while tossing another one back and forth in his hands. Cody looked exactly the same as he had earlier, so I assumed either he wasn't fighting, or he had something else planned for the Toy Gang. Sparty had walked off to go get geared up.

                        I too probably looked threatening with my orange and white wings on my back, my retractable hook, and Lolbon, who had grown nightmare teeth and claws. Sparty came back with a pair of swords, identical to Dj's, and a new top hat. This top hat had spikes around the rim, so I assumed he would throw it like a ninja star. Bitty, taking control of her Gang, ordered us to form a line. I hopped on the back, right behind Cody. Then, in single file, we walked over to a big, open, arena-type room.

                       We spread out across our side of the arena, facing the other side. Then, right across us appeared the Toy Gang. The Toy renditions of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, now Mangle, plus Balloon Boy and JJ manifested across from us. They lined up the six of them lined up in an identical formation as us, directly across from each of us. Then, Bitty walked out to greet the other Gang leader, Mangle.

(Sorry for all the big-kid words, like 'oxymoron' and 'inquired'. I was using a thesaurus and Grammarly when I was writing. #NotSponored. :P)

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