Chapter 15

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[Hey guys! Foxbit here! If you are enjoying the story, please comment/vote. It really helps me know that people care. Feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks :3]

(Bitty POV)

                   We set Lmao Bit down on our shit couch that she had rested on earlier. "So..." Dj said. "Deja Vu, huh?" I laughed. I sighed as I ran my hands through my cousin's hair. I loved her so much. As a protector. As a friend. As family.  "Well, " he said with a twinge of sadness, " if there's one thing we have in common..."  I looked up at him. "It's that we both love her." I looked back down as a sad little smile crept into my face. "You'd be good for her, " I spoke truthfully. "Even if you did leave a bad first impression." Lmao Bit chose this moment to wake up. Dj and I looked at each other and smiled as the confused Lmao repeatedly asked, " What? What happened?"

                    There was a large thud outside our door as Sparty walked through the room. "This must be the scrap I ordered, " he said as he opened the door. Outside, there was a feline animatronic and an animatronic wolf. And the wolf did not look well. "This was not the scrap I ordered." "Sparty, take the wolf to the back room. You can fix him up, " Bitty commanded. "And Lmao, take the kitty. Calm her when she wakes up. You may be able to help her."

(Sparty POV)

                     I picked up the wolf bridal style and carried him over to my workshop. He woke up almost directly after I set him down. "H-Hey there, " He coughed. "Take good care of my sister, eh?" "Yes,  I promise" He coughed again. "D-Do you have a video camera." "Of course". I grabbed it and started recording him. "Hey, Meg. I know I'm dying and if you're watching this, then I have indeed died." He gave the camera the finger. "Just a reminder that I'm still your brother. Try not to kill everyone you see while I'm gone. My soul will find another way to you." I turned the camera off and grabbed my toolbox. 

                      "I'm not going to show your sister that message." "W-Why. It's my last wish." "Because you're not dying on me." I powered him off and propped him up on the wall so I could get to work. Fortunately for me, he had faceplates making it easier for me to access his vitals.  I opened them to see fried wires and computer chips. I removed the mainframe and set it on my desk. I started cleaning it until it started sparking. I touched it again and it exploded into shrapnel that flew all over. A piece flew over to the wolf and turned him on. He faced me and said, " Thanks for trying, " before slumping over and turning off for his last time.

                     In desperation, I ran around the room and picked up all the pieces and fit them together like a puzzle. I always have my experimental magic wrench based on the one Bynx had.  The wrench wasn't glowing, so I smacked it on the table a few times. It flickered, before shutting off again. "Fuck!" I shouted in anger. "Bynx, I wish you could help me." I sighed and just sat on the floor and stared at the ceiling.

[Sorry guys for the really late release of this chapter. I've been kinda busy, but I'm still dedicated to you guys. Thx :3]

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