Chapter 9

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(Lmao Bit POV)

                       I was upstairs working on the laptop, planning my "escape." I was going to erase all their memories of me being here and leave to go find Lolbit myself. I heard the door creak open and I looked up to see who it was. It was Dj. I quickly opened YouTube and Wattpad to make it look like I was just chilling. "Hey, Lmao!" he called. "Whatcha doin'?" "Oh, y'know just random crap."

                     He sat down on the bench next to me and looked over my shoulder. "Oh, I love Wattpad!" Dj exclaimed. "Yeah," I said offhandedly," Cool." As I was pretending to browse the internet, I felt something on my paw beside me. It was Dj's paw. I assumed it was an accident, so I just moved my paw away. He put his paw on my paw again, so I just left it. No harm was being done. 

                     I was bored of pretending to be on my computer, so I closed it, hopped up on the bed behind me and turned on the TV. As expected, Dj hopped up next to me and again put his paw on mine, but with a little more force. Then, in one swift motion, Dj was on top of me with both of my arms pinned down. He leaned forward to try to kiss me. I couldn't move, because he had my arms pinned down, and he was stronger than me.

                    Dj leaned so close that I could smell the alcohol in his breath and realized he was drunk. That didn't matter though, so I kicked him in the crotch. That made him get off. I got off the bed and stood up. He threw a punch at me, so I caught it and bend his arm behind his back. Somehow he found the strength to say, "Oh my god, why are you holding my paw?" with a mocking voice. "You are so immature," I said back and let go. I kicked him to the floor and walked downstairs.

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