Chapter 13

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(Sorry guys. It's been a while since a posted. I'm really sorry, I've been busy. I will try to post more often)

(Bitty POV)

                   I walked over to welcome Mangle to her and her Gang's demise. I was kind of worried that we were going to get our asses handed to us again. As skilled as my Gang is, Bynx was the only guys who could go toe to toe with Mangle. They've challenged us to a Rumble three times since Bynx disappeared and each time, Mangle just hung above us and picked us off. Maybe Lmao Bit could help us this time, as she can fly. Well, hopefully, because even though she has wings, we've never seen her actually use them.

                 As we stood in the middle of the arena, Mangle gave me a devilish sneer. "Just because you've made a line of yourself, " she was referring to Lmao, " doesn't mean you can beat us." Everyone else was silent; listening to us speak. "Hah!" I replied, "You won't know what hit you!"  Mangle's jaw dropped. She pointed behind me and shouted, "Holy shit! It's Lolbit!" I turned my head to see nobody. Mangle took this as an opportunity to throw the first punch.

(Lmao Bit POV)

                 After Mangle threw that punch, all hell broke loose. Mangle dashed back toward the wall after knocking Bitty to the ground. She climbed up the wall and onto the ceiling, thinking and planning her next strike. The entire Toy Gang rushed forward, so we charged to meet their attack.

                  The battle was going great until I got impaled. I had flown over the toys to try and take down Mangle. As I was approaching her, I looked down to see the chaos below. I couldn't specifically see who was doing what, but we appeared to be holding our own. Mangle looked at me with a shocked realization that my wings were functional. She threw her endoskeleton claw, which I effortlessly dodged. I latched on to the wall next to her and caught her in a chokehold.  I detached her from the wall and tried to stay aloft.

                   She headbutted me and I dropped her to grab my face. She fell into the middle of the battlefield and just wreaked havoc on the other Oc's. She scurried on the ground scratching and clawing at my friends until they were all detained. Then she climbed back on to the wall and grabbed my arm. She flung me on the floor and held me, so I could see my friends caught in the arms of the Toys.

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