Chapter 10

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(Lmao Bit POV)

                      I stormed down the stairs into the rest of the gang. Bitty stumbled over to me with a stupid grin on her face. She asked me, "Why the long face?" and then started rolling on the floor laughing. I looked around because clearly, they were having an alcohol party. Dj was still on the floor upstairs, Bitty was rolling around on the floor, and Rad was slumped over on the wall. Sparty and Cody were talking in the corner, trying to keep from getting drunk.

                     I walked over and kicked the still laughing Bitty. This set Bitty off. She inhumanly jumped off the floor into a backflip and landed in front of me. I would have been impressed if she wasn't yelling her head off at me. "WHAT THE FUCK!?!? WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!" she screamed. I didn't take it too harshly since her being high and I did kick her. 

                    "Your 'friend' tried to rape me," I replied expressionlessly. Bitty's expression quickly changed from rage to utter disappointment. "Dj!" she called. I heard Dj walk to the stairs before falling down and tumbling down the stairs in front of Bitty. "What?" Dj asked. "What did I talk to you about?" Bitty asked sternly. "It wasn't that bad," Dj replied "It was only a kiss." "Oh my god, Dj," Bitty said disappointedly. "You can't do that to my cousin! She isn't used to your ways yet!" "My bad", he said, then just looked really sad. 

                  I was just standing there silently as Bitty yelled at Dj. I went up to Bitty and asked," Why do you even drink? We don't need to eat or drink anything!" "Well," she started," We drink for pleasure. It helps. Also, I mean we do have useless human parts that we don't need to use, i.e. taste buds" "Whatever," i offhandedly said.  Bitty grabbed another drink and I went over to chat with Sparty and Cody.

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