Chapter 4

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(Hello once again, readers! Actually the only people who read this are my friends who I forced to ;-;.  Comment if I'm wrong. Thanks ^w^)

(Lmao Bit POV)

                     Max walked over to a closet over in the far side of the room. He opened up a drawer and pulled out a small, hand-held device, similar to a walkie-talkie. The big difference was that it had a screen instead of a speaker and mic. He tossed the device to me and I caught it carefully.

                    "Every animatronic gives off its own unique energy signal," Max said. "I've calibrated this transmitter to pick up on them and show their location, so if we were able to find Lolbit's energy, we could find her." "Well then," I said," What are we waiting for?" "I have a few more preparations to make."

                     I pocketed the transmitter, while Max went back into his closet that seemed to magically have anything needed, when you needed it. He came out of the closet with two swords strapped on his back, wings in one hand, and an old book in the other. "Here," Max said, handing me the wings. "These might be helpful."

                     I attached the wings on my back and they instantly changed color to match my orange and white color scheme. "What's the book for?" I asked. "There is a little spell in here that might be able to help us," Max replied. He muttered some incantations, and I felt a mystical energy surround me. Then the energy faded away and Max fell asleep on the floor.

                   While, Max was asleep, I decided to look around in his closet. I wandered into and around the closet, until something on the shelf caught my eye. It was a picture. I looked at it, and it was a picture of someone that could have been Max's twin or younger self. And he was standing with Lolbit!

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