Chapter 1

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Nine o'clock on a Monday morning and Louis is cursing his existence. He is used to working the evening shifts, which are a much better fit to his sleeping schedule. Sleeping in is one of Louis' favorite hobbies and he is exceptional at it. Which is why he's dragging ass right now. His mind and body don't usually start functioning properly for another three hours.

Louis shuffles through some paperwork on the desk in front of him trying to look busy in case his boss passes through. Another perk of the evening shift, he never sees his boss. Louis has been working at Hudson Tower Apartments for close to two years now. He had went to uni for a couple of years, but grew tired of it. Then he kept busy himself busy by playing the career field and trying out different odd jobs.  Finally, he'd decided bouncing from job to job wasn't the most adult thing to do and he was an adult, despite the bullshit peter pan jokes his friends tossed at him on a regular basis. They could fuck off.

Now, he's twenty-six and living the posh life vicariously through the tenants that live in the luxury apartment building. He enjoys his job. The evening shift is hardly considered work and the tenants here are all polite to him despite the wage gap. Louis wouldn't consider himself poor, but to live here, you needed a hefty bank account.

Hudson Towers is swanky. If the off white and antique architecture don't prove it then the intricate details carved into the awning, the massive front stairwell or the four eagle statues perched on each of the four columns are definitely convincing. The building eludes power and demands to be seen. It has an elegant and rather timeless appeal in Louis' opinion.

Which he shouldn't be sharing because he should be working. Once the papers on the desk are sorted in absolutely no particular manner, he props his feet up on the foot stool underneath the large dark chestnut desk. Maybe he can rest his eyes for a moment. Surely a quick nap will have him in a better mood by the lunch hour.


Or not. Fuck, why does he have to work at work? Who came up with that ridiculous concept?

"Liam, you're early."

"On time isn't early, Lewis. I see the morning shift hasn't killed you," Liam chuckles as he starts digging through his mail bag shoving envelopes and small parcels into the correct tenants' mailboxes.

"Yet. I've only been here for fifteen minutes, so that could easily change. Help me, Liam! The mornings are endless! There's nothing to do!" Louis protests and smacks his palm against the front desk. Fuck, that's real wood. Damn uppity people and their real wood furniture, he thinks as he winces over his stinging hand.

"Try to do some actual work, Louis. That will help the day go by quicker. Are we still on for FIFA at yours tonight?"

"I should say no since you're not taking my side on anything this morning, but fine," he spits out then smirks, "Not like you have a chance in hell of winning anyway so I suppose I can find the time to kick your arse."

"See you then if you survive the day, you tit." Liam gathers his now empty mail sack and tosses a wave at Louis before retreating through the huge glass doors of the building. Louis watches Liam descend the grand stairs until his gaze gets caught up on something else. Something large and white and pulling up at the end of the stairs.

A moving van. Someone is moving in. There has only been one person move into Hudson since Louis started working here. This is the exact excitement he needs to keep himself busy. He shoots up from his seat, short legs taking as big of strides as possible to get to the door all the while the driver of the van gets out and starts making his way up the stairs. Once Louis is just outside of the door, the blonde man throws a smile at Louis, calling out to him.

More Than You Know [l.s.] ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin