Chapter 23

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"Do you design clothes to wear for yourself?" Louis asks, grabbing the turquoise, ruffled sleeve of one of the blouses in Harry's walk in closet.

"I wear my own designs sometimes," Harry answers. "But I love wearing other brands too. Gucci, Prada, Alexander McQueen."

"Never worn any of em." Louis continues flipping through Harry's designs that are on their own rack in Harry's closet.

"To each their own," Harry chimes. "I do have plenty of Adidas track pants if that tickles your fancy."

When Louis tilts his head, he finds Harry standing there grinning at him. "I'm proud of you, love. From Gucci to Adidas. My man appreciates it all." He grabs Harry by his 'Kiss' tour t-shirt and smacks a kiss on his mouth.

It's been a few days since their reconciliation and it didn't take them any time at all to fall back into groove with one another, picking up right where they left off.

Louis doesn't have to be at work until this evening, so he'd brought over lunch for them once Harry had told him to come over because he missed Louis' pretty face. Louis' cheeks may or may not have turned rosy at being called pretty. It was a first, but he didn't mind. Harry can call him anything he pleases.

The curiosity about Harry's designs led him to asking Harry about them which is how he ended up in Harry's closet.

"Oh shit, what'd you make this for?" Louis holds up a pair of glittery gold flared trousers with what look to be light and dark pink flowers attached randomly on the legs.

"You don't like it?" Harry asks, reaching over Louis to pull a jacket off the rack that matches the trousers. Same shimmery gold color with the flowers attached randomly on it.

Louis looks between the pieces and then at Harry, not sure if honesty is in fact the best policy when your boyfriend whom you just recently fixed things with is asking you if you like one of his designs. "Well," Louis starts, his voice rising an octave. "Do you mean as in would I wear it? Um, no. But its sparkly and I like that! And these things!" Louis gently rubs his finger against one of the flowers on the pants. "Pretty sure my legs would get lost in flares."

Harry surprises him by letting out a laugh. "I know a lot of my stuff isn't your style. I like colorful and loud. The bolder the better. It's fun. It's alright for you to say you don't like it." He takes the pants from Louis then smirks at him. "If you seen these on my ass, I think you'd love them afterwards though."

"Oh yeah?" Louis swipes his tongue over his lips. "I think you're right. I haven't seen you in anything I didn't like on you. That's the truth." He reaches forward and grabs Harry's hip, lowering his voice to a sultry whisper. "Are you going to model it for me and let me see?"

Harry's brows shoot up to his hairline. "Is that what you want?"

"Mhm. Please"

"I suppose I can do that." Harry angles his body closer, so much closer, Louis has to slightly tilt his head to look at him. "But not today."

Harry grabs the hanger with the pants from Louis and Louis mouth pops open in offense and then he pouts. The amusement on Harry's face is evident as he grins. "Don't make that face. I have something better in mind I want to do. Trust me. You'll like it."

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