Chapter 20

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Life as Harry's boyfriend is going more wonderfully than Louis could have ever predicted. Yes, it's only been three days, but a blissful three days it has been. Texting Harry. Kissing Harry when he comes home when Louis is working the front desk. In all honesty, Louis thinks he might be moments away from drawing his and Harry's name in hearts. That's how happy he is, and he just can't help it. Even heading into work, he can't seem to stop smiling.

Except for now.

He's entering in the back door and just as he's about to round the corner, he sees Harry and Miss Taylor of all people talking. It crosses his mind to duck and hide to try to see what the hell they're talking about, but he's done hiding.

His gait doesn't falter as he strides right towards them, his professional smile that looks more like a grimace right now in place. "Good evening, Miss Taylor, Mr. Styles."

Miss Taylor gives him a disgusted look before glancing back at Harry and pouting. Either that or she's gotten more filler. Louis isn't sure.

"Evening, Louis."

"Now, where were we before we were interrupted?" she asks, cutting Harry off as her manicured hand reaches out and rests on Harry's wrist. It isn't unnoticed by Louis the way Harry shifts his weight to his other foot, like he's trying to get away from her.

"I believe I was heading out. I have a car waiting." Her wrist falls from his arm when he gently lifts it to run through his hair.

She notices Louis still standing there and she growls, before she snaps, "Why are you still standing here? Do you need to be formally dismissed? Go." She waves her hand at him like she's shooing off a fly.

"Don't speak to him like that." Harry's deep voice vibrates in his chest. Louis arches a brow at her, trying not to look smug.

"Why? He works the front desk, for Christ sake! He's nobody."

"He is my boyfriend is who he is!"

Full smugness activate. Louis wishes he had a bowl of popcorn right now, but the look on Miss Taylor's face is enough for him. The woman who has treated him like shit for as long as he's been here looks furious and in complete disbelief. It's what she deserves if you ask Louis.

"So that's what you're into," she snorts. "Well, sorry I'm not trashy enough for you."

"Enough," Harry scolds, seeming exhausted with this woman's presence. "I'm sorry I rejected you and clearly you're hurt by that enough to talk poorly about someone else. I tried to let you down as easy as I could."

Holy shit. Miss Taylor was coming onto his man and Harry rejected her?

"I wasn't serious," she says, trying to cover up her embarrassment, but the way her face is starting to flush gives her away. She stomps off, heels clicking across the lobby as she heads for the door. "You'll pay for this. You don't embarrass me like this and get away with it."

Once she's made it through the door, Louis can't hold back anymore, letting out a laugh and a smile. "Oh my god, that was great. That woman has been the bane of my existence for years now, and finally I get the upper hand. I can't believe she came onto you. She's much older than you."

Harry just shrugs. "Guess you have to commend her for trying."

"I'm not commending her for shit. I'll commend you properly introducing me to her," Louis pauses, leaning in to give Harry a quick kiss.

"You like that word."

"Love it, actually," Louis admits. "I better to get to work. You can come sit with me if you want."

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