Chapter 15

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It's a Monday night and Louis is so happy to be off work he could cry. He steps through the doors of Topsy Tavern. As he suspected, there isn't much of a crowd, the place even deader than usual considering it's a weekday. Liam is the only fucking person in the entire place. He's sat at one of the stools at the bar.

Louis strides over, taking a stool beside Liam. "Full house, innit?" Louis snort, shaking his head before holding a hand up to Oli. "Whatever is on tap, Ol." 

Oli doesn't say a word, but Louis knows Oli heard him when he goes to grab a mug.

"I thought you were bringing Harry with you?" Liam says in greeting.

"He should be here soon. He said he had some stuff to discuss with Zayn." 

"Did you ever figure out what that guy's deal is?"

Louis shrugs before Oli sits his beer down in front of him. Grabbing the handle, Louis lifts the mug to his mouth and takes a gulp. "Haven't seen or spoken to Zayn since that night you and I were at the club. But, I  think we reached a mutual agreement. They're friends so I guess he called himself looking out for Harry by being a ass to me."

"Like how I'm trying to look out for you by encouraging you to talk to Harry about his career?" Liam doesn't sound smug or like a dickhead when he says it. The sincerity is laced thickly in his tone and Louis appreciates it more than he'd ever admit. See, you can be a good friend and not act like an asshole. Maybe Zayn should have came tonight so he could learn more about friend etiquette from Liam. 

"I'm not ready yet. I keep hoping he'll bring it up, but it hasn't happened yet," Louis says. Liam opens his mouth, about to say something, probably going to try to once again make him talk to Harry about this. Even though he appreciates it, that doesn't mean he wants to hear it so he's quick to cut Liam off and change the subject. "Did I tell you Harry and I ran into Ben last week in the lobby at Hudson?"

"Oh fuck," Liam says, while Louis nods in agreement because, yeah, 'oh fuck' was Louis' reaction too. "How did that go?" Liam asks?

"Exactly how you'd think it would. Ben was an asshole. Made sure Harry knew he was my ex and tried to tell him I was a bad guy. Harry and I talked afterwards though. I told him what happened. He believed me."

"That's good

"Guess what else Harry told him?" He doesn't wait for Liam to ask. "Called himself my potential boyfriend." He flits his brows, taking a drink of his brew.

"Sounds like he really likes you."

"I hope so cause I really like him."

"Then why don't you just ask him about his job? If you both like each other, maybe you can figure something out," Liam tries to reason.

"I don't want things to end before they've even started. Think about it, Li. You know me. You know I couldn't-" he pauses, shaking his head. "You know I would never be okay with my boyfriend sleeping with other people. Never. So in the meantime, what I don't know won't hurt me."

That seems to shut Liam up. He tosses his hands up and sighs like he truly doesn't know what to do with Louis anymore. Which is fair enough, because Louis doesn't know how else to tell Liam bringing it up to Harry isn't happening. Harry is going to have to be the one to start the conversation that could be their demise.

"But what if he likes you enough to give it up if you asked him to?" Apparently Liam isn't finished like he thought.

Dramatically, Louis sighs, and brings a hand up to his sweep his fringe across his forehead. "Yeah, sure. He's just gonna give up a job that pays him enough to live the highlife for little old me." He rolls his eyes. "Not gonna happen. And who am I to ask him to quit his job anyway?"

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