Chapter 10

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By the act of some god above, Louis was on time. He'd fussed with his hair trying to artfully perfect the messy fringe on his head and then he'd nearly cleaned out the entirety of his small closet trying to find something to wear. He'd put on a shirt, frowned at the reflection in the mirror and then tossed it to the floor. Grab another and repeat. Nothing looked nice enough, apart from the white button ups he wore to work, but he refused to wear that.

He'd settled on a white t-shirt and grabbed his brown suede bomber jacket, pairing that with dark wash skinnies that he cuffed at the ankle and a pair of brown sneakers he forgot he owned to match. The date wasn't going to be anything too fancy, but more casual.

Right when he opens the door to the apartment building, Louis begins questioning everything. He worries he looks too underdressed. He worries that Harry will look down upon Louis taking him to a restaurant that didn't even require a reservation. Why hadn't he chosen a nicer place? Harry lived in the penthouse suit of a luxury apartment complex for fuck's sake. Louis is in over his head. It's too late for worrying now. He's already here and he can't change plans or back out now.

"Louis, where are you headed?" Calvin says with a smug smirk that momentarily breaks him from his thoughts when he arrives at Hudson Towers.

"Penthouse, dickhead. He's expecting me so just buzz him and let him know I'm headed up." With that, he starts heading towards the elevator, but stops instantly when he sees who steps out of it.

Ben is hanging off the arm of a fairly decent looking guy, laughing too loudly in the quiet lobby. He stops laughing when he looks up and his gaze lands on Louis. Scowling, he tilts his chin up slightly like he's better than Louis.

"What are you doing here? You're not dressed for work," Ben spits out. Now the guy he came with is eyeing Louis too and Louis just wants them both to get the hell out of the way so he can make it to Harry's floor. He is on time, damn it, and he's not going to let these clowns make him late.

"I'm not working," he replies simply which gets Ben's eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Oh? Then why are you here?" Ben presses.

"Why are you concerned about it? Go on with your boy and don't worry about me," Louis says. He turns to make like he's heading for the office at the front desk though because he doesn't want Ben to catch on to why he's really here. Thankfully, Ben just sends him a death glare before heading out the front door with his arm candy.

Louis turns back around and darts inside of the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor. He lets out a breath and rubs his palms together, giving himself a mental pep talk. He's kissed Harry before. Technically, hanging out at Harry's that day could sort of count as their first date. There's no pressure on tonight that way if he doesn't think of this as a first date.That's what he tells himself, but when the elevator stops at the top, he feels the nerves settling in his stomach. It slightly pisses him off. He still hasn't gotten used to feeling nerves around a guy.

He only has to knock twice and the door is swinging open while his hand is still in the air.

"Hi," Harry coos out with a giggle and Louis hopes his eyeballs don't resemble a cartoon characters' flying out of his head towards Harry before snapping back inside their socket.

"Hello. You look gorgeous," Louis compliments. He isn't kidding. Harry's has on a white button down with vertical peach colored stripes. A large square is embroidered into the top portion of the shirt. Inside the square, it's fully embroidered with designs that resemble leaves. Harry has on his typical black skinny jeans and tan boots, and his hair is in soft curls perfectly framing his face.

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