Chapter 16

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When they walk through the lobby at Hudson Towers, Louis notices Calvin's brows shoot up to his hairline at seeing them strolling through hand in hand. Louis doesn't mean to look smug, but he gives Calvin a smirk and swings his and Harry's hands between them just to show of a little. Calvin had teased him in the beginning about Harry, so maybe he has the right to look a little smug.

"Looks like you're going to enjoy your night off, Louis," Calvin says, causing two bright pink splotches to form on Harry's cheeks and he's got the most bashful look on his face.

"Don't listen to him, baby. He's friends with Oli. They're bad influences on each other," Louis whispers to Harry with a playful smile tugging on his lips. He's joking, really. Both Calvin and Oli are good lads. They just like to have a laugh. Most of the time, at Louis' expense.

"Get to work, Cal!" Louis calls out, right as they step onto the lift.

As soon as the lift starts moving up, Louis presses Harry against the back wall, his lips finding Harry's. He starts kissing Harry deeply, letting his hands wander underneath Harry's shirt and to hips, his thumbs grazing over the skin where Louis knows the laurels are tattooed there. He would love to get his lips on those sexy tattoos. In due time, he thinks, as presses his own hips forward, rubbing against Harry's. His breath catches when he feels the evidence of Harry's arousal through his jeans.

The lift chimes and the doors open, meaning Louis has to get off of Harry long enough for them to step off and make it to the door. Once they make it to Harry's door, Louis taps his foot on the floor, watching Harry struggle to get the keys out of his tight jeans.

Finally, he gets the door opened and they head inside. Harry closes and locks it behind them. Louis sort of expects Harry to jump him again now that they're alone, but Harry's standing there, staring at his boot clad feet.

"You alright?" Louis asks, puzzled at the shift in his mood.

Harry's head shoots up. "Me? Yeah, I'm fine. Do you want a glass of wine?" With that, he takes off towards the kitchen, leaving Louis to follow on his heels.

Louis leans against the island, watching Harry as he brings down two wine glasses from the cabinet before heading to the wine pantry, which is completely full of wine from what Louis can see through the glass windows on the wooden doors. For the first time in a while, Louis feels out of Harry's league. Because Harry has a wine pantry for fuck's sake while Louis has a secondhand dining table that's he's amazed is still standing.

For a moment, he starts thinking maybe Harry is feeling weird, trying to figure out how the night should go since Louis isn't paying for sex. Not that Harry would want him to pay for it, but maybe it takes him some time to differentiate it in his mind from work sex to casual sex. It must be a lot of pressure when you're used to going into a sexual encounter feeling like you're obligated to do it. But what does he know? He has no clue about proper escort sex etiquette. All Louis does know, is that he doesn't want Harry to feel like he has to do anything.

Harry has filled the glasses with red wine and passes one of the glasses to Louis. Their fingertips brush as Louis takes the glass. The touch makes him feel a little better. Harry wants him here, despite the differences in their worlds. Louis reaches out, grabbing Harry's other hand. "Harry? We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I'm not expecting anything from you. No pressure okay?"

Harry gives him a little grin, already looking more at ease than when they first entered the penthouse. "I know," he says with a nod and lifts his wine glass up, taking a sip daintily. "But I do want to. I want you. Bad. Really bad."

Louis has to take a drink himself before he leaps across the counter and gives Harry exactly what he claims he wants, but he wants to be gentle with Harry. Harry deserves that. "We can see where the night takes us, then."

More Than You Know [l.s.] ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें