Chapter 9

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They had kissed until their lips were swollen and nearly numb as they played out the rest of the album. Louis finally stopped it, pulling away when Harry started rutting the hard on he had been sporting against Louis' thigh, stirring at the pit of desire in his own belly, encouraging him to rut back. Louis wanted to be a gentleman though. Harry deserved that, so he pulled back and chastely pecked Harry's lips, even brushing their noses together before telling Harry he'd better get home since it was already late. He didn't add on that if he stayed a second longer, he'd probably have his mouth around Harry's cock, which wouldn't be a bad thing, but that would come in due time.

As soon as he had gotten home, he wanked thinking about Harry. That information wouldn't be disclosed either.

It is finally Saturday and Louis couldn't be happier to have some time off work, although he can't help but feel a little down, knowing he won't be seeing Harry. He remembers Harry saying that he had a busy weekend with work, and his face twists up painfully thinking about what all that will entail for Harry. Jealousy pools in the pit of his stomach. Even though he's only just begun to know Harry, he already doesn't want anyone else's hands on him. He wants all those soft touches and heated kisses to be his. It's worrying him to think Harry's job is already concerning him to the degree it is. How is he supposed to explore the potential of what could be with Harry if he can't tolerate his profession?

Louis sweeps his hand through his fringe, leaning in closer to his bathroom mirror to examine his hair closer. He's supposed to be meeting Liam at Dickey's in thirty minutes, but he's still standing naked in his bathroom trying to get his hair to stop acting like it hates him. He's going to be late. Liam can get over it.

Giving up on his hair, he makes his way to his bedroom, sliding on his black skinny jeans he's already laid out, then moves to the closet, his hands sweeping through his shirts hung up. He pulls off a white tshirt and pulls it over his head, then grabs a blue Adidas jacket, shrugging it on over his tee.

That's as good as it's going to get. He grabs his phone, keys and wallet, shoving them all in his pockets before slipping his shoes on and making a mad dash out the door, jogging off in the direction of the bar. He's going to be slightly sweaty when he gets there if he keeps running, he knows, but he doesn't have much of a choice.

Fifteen minutes later, he's opening the door to Dickey's which is already vibrating with people. The bar is the first place he sets his sights on, wanting a drink to help ease his wondering thoughts. When he makes it there, he's surprised to find Liam already sitting there with a Corona in his hand.

"You're late," Liam scolds as Louis takes a seat on the bar stool next to him.

"I am not," Louis defends himself. "I got here on time. I was just chatting to some other people before I came over to the bar. I've been here for ten minutes," Louis lies, waving his hand through the air.

Liam rolls his eyes, already knowing it's a lie, but he lets it go. Louis orders a Corona as well. If you can't beat Liam, you join him.

The bartender hands Louis his drink and he leans over to tap it against Liam's already halfway empty one.

"What are we toasting to?" Liam asks in confusion but takes a swig nonetheless.

When Louis pulls his mouth off the end of his bottle, he grins. "To the weekend!"

Liam laughs out loud before Louis lifts his bottle to continue. "And to being young!"

"You are on the late end of your twenties Lou."

"Fuck off, Liam. I'm still in my twenties. That's what matters. Hush so I can finish my toast." Louis raises a brow and clears his throat dramatically. "And to best friends that you keep around no matter how annoying they can be."

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