Chapter 8

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While swirling the red wine in his glass, Louis is studying the bookshelf in the far corner of Harry's living room while Harry is sitting on the floor in front of his TV, one of the cabinets open. He's busy thumbing through an extensive amount of CD's trying to find the correct one.

"Nobody keeps those anymore. You know you could upload those all to your phone and save yourself some time and some storage space. It's a win win."

Harry spins his ass around on the hardwood floor, his face radiating mock offense. "One more remark like that and you can see yourself out, mister. I won't have you disrespecting my collection. and right in front of their faces, too." He cradles the Shania Twain he's holding to his face and actually pets it while he shushes it as if it's a crying baby. "He didn't mean it, love."

"Do you tuck them in at night too?" Louis jokes.

"Only if I've had them out and they've had a long day," Harry retorts, spinning back around to continue his scavenger hunt.

When Louis had arrived, Harry had promptly answered the door in socked feet, wearing black athletic shorts that reached mid thigh and a plain white tshirt. The simplicity of his clothes actually threw Louis off momentarily since he is used to bold patterns and unique fabrics when it came to Harry. But after the initial shock, the creamy skin of Harry's thighs and the dusting of hair coating them had become the distraction.

Thank God Harry had quickly given him a glass of wine. He needed something. Half of the glass was downed the second Harry bend over his TV stand. That's when Louis had noticed the bookshelf and decided to scope it out.

He pulls a book off the shelf with his freehand, turning it over. "Mercy, do you own Charles Bukowski's entire collection?"

"Hell no. He has a plethora of books. I just have a couple of my favorites."

A few to Harry is around five apparently.

Louis reads the title to himself. The People Look Like Flowers at Last. He sneaks a glance back over to Harry.

If Harry were a flower, as cliche as it might sound, Louis thinks he'd be a sunflower. A sunflower standing tall, since Harry is tall, and a face that you can't help but admire. When he smiles, his whole face shines like a sunflower at it's peak, petals open and basking in the glow of the sun. Louis shoves the book back to its place before he can compare Harry to any more blossoms. He's going to need another drink.

"Found it!" Harry calls out, saving Louis from his embarrassing thoughts. He pops the disk into the DVD player, and stands, picking his own glass of wine up in one hand and the remote with the other. "Typically, I'm a play through from the start kind of man, but I think we need to skip to the best ones first. I have one I think you'll really like." He wiggles his brows as his teeth start to show with his widening grin.

"Let's hear it then. I'm ready," Louis says, heading over towards the couch.

"Don't sit down," Harry replies and Louis freezes in place with confusion in his eyes as he looks at Harry, "This is one that makes you want to move."

The music starts playing and Harry takes a gulp of his wine, sits it down on the table and raises his arms above his head, his hands holding on to each other as his hips start moving side to side, not at all to the beat coming from the speakers.

Louis is aware of the ridiculous smile on his face, but he doesn't have the will to stop it. Harry's eyes are closed now so he can't see the fond look on his face.

Oh St. Louis, California
Blue eyes, yeah she's comin' for ya

Louis tosses his head back letting an unabashed laugh escape his mouth. When he faces forward again, he sees Harry wearing an amused smile, still trying to pull off some sort of move that can actually be considered dancing.

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