Chapter 7

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"I think he might have flirted with me a little," Louis says, twirling his fork in the noodles of his lo mien. Liam is being a show off, holding a dumpling between his chopsticks with ease, dipping his head in to take a bite as he nods along to Louis' talk about Harry.

They're both cradling take out boxes and sprawled out on Louis' sofa, legs stretched our towards the other.

"What do you mean you think? Shouldn't you know? Its not hard to figure out," Liam responds.

"Because he could be like that with all the boys. Being charming is part of his job. Maybe he can't turn it off," Louis answers, still poking around in his food container.

"He couldn't turn it off and that turned you on," Liam cackles and Louis just stares at him, contemplating knocking the heel of his foot into Liam's shin. "His job? Are you continuing on with the crazy theories shit even after I told you not to?"

Louis shrugs trying his best to look innocent and Liam must buy it since he simply sighs. Liam should be used to this kind of thing by now.

"Did you flirt back with him?" Liam questions.

The corner of Louis' mouth quirks up. "Not the usual Tommo fashioned flirting, but I did tell him he was pretty." He leans forward to sit his box on the coffee table, and then tucks his legs underneath his bottom, smile growing as he starts speaking again. "He really is pretty, Li. So fucking pretty. The prettiest human I've ever seen. He's got big green eyes, and long hair and his lips, damn it, his lips."

Liam gives Louis an amused look that makes Louis raise his own brows until he realizes he is gushing like he's a twelve year old with a crush and that's why Liam is giving him that smug look.

At least that's half right. He does have a crush. It sounds more plausible in his head now that he knows what Harry looks like.

"What's your game plan now?" Liam presses.

Louis tilts his head from one side to the other, weighing the question in his mind. "Get to know him a little better. Turn up the charm a little bit more each time. Then, ask him out on a proper date."

Lifting a hand to the scruff along his jaw, he scratches gently wondering if he should share something else that's on his mind with Liam. "But, I, I'm not sure how this will work if it does become something more. Can someone in that line of work have a healthy and functioning relationship?"

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here. If Harry is a call boy, then yes it is still possible for people of that profession to be happy, I'd think. If their partner knew what they were getting into from the beginning," Liam replies, discarding his take out box on the table and grabbing a fortune cookie.

Louis watches Liam digging in the cookie trying to get the slip of paper out of it without cracking the cookie in the process. It's always been Liam's thing. He swears the fortune won't come true if the cookie breaks. Louis thinks it's all a load of bull.

"But I don't know if I am the kind of partner that can deal with that," Louis admits quietly, already a little sad at the thought that this might not work out before it gets to properly begin.

"Lou, you've met the guy once. You don't have to decide anything now. You're acting like you have to make a choice today if you'd have his babies"

Liam is still fidgeting with the cookie between his fingers so he doesn't see Louis pulling the throw pillow from behind his own back and whacking him in the head with it.

"He'd be the one having my babies, if that were possible."

"Louis! I don't need to know that."

"But you do now anyway." Louis grabs his own fortune cookie, tossing the wrapper and then breaking the cookie in half immediately because he's not Liam. He tosses half of the cookie in his mouth as he reads the slip of paper to himself.

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