Chapter 17

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A loud knock stirs Louis from his sleep. He turns, stretching out his back and notices Harry isn't in the bed with him. Apparently, the knocking has been going on for a while, long enough that Harry has gotten up to deal with it. The knocking stops, tempting Louis to roll over to try to get some more sleep, but he's got to pee.

With a huff, he gets up, still naked as he stalks towards the bathroom. Harry's alarm clock on the bedside table reads 8:42, definitely too early to have guests over. He handles his business in the bathroom. It's when he's washing his hands that the thought hits him that it could be one of Harry's clients at the door.

As much as he knows he shouldn't, now he has to know who's at the door this early. He finds his boxers balled up at the end of the bed, so he shakes them out and slips them on. His shirt and jeans, he doesn't see. He's in a hurry so he grabs the first thing he sees to help cover himself up a little more which happens to be Harry's sheer shirt.

When he slips it on, the shirt is long enough that it hits the top of his thighs and the arms are too long, much to his chagrin. He shoves the sleeves up to his elbows as he heads to the door. As quietly as he can, he opens the door, listening for the sound of voices. He doesn't hear anything, so he starts tiptoeing out of the bedroom. He can always say he didn't know someone was here if he gets caught. Sneaking around Harry's house for the second time was not how Louis envisioned their post-coital morning playing out, yet here he is.

A woman's voice stops him in his tracks, because that's not what he was expecting.

"You've been here long enough and I haven't gotten to see your place yet," the woman says. "I finally stopped waiting for you to call and decided I'd just invite myself. Happy to find out downstairs that you put me on your list."

Louis is too afraid to get closer to catch a glimpse of the woman, but she must be important for Harry to put her on his list, meaning she can give the front desk her name and head straight up to Harry's apartment without Harry being buzzed. That explains why they didn't get a warning of someone coming up.

"I've been meaning to, but I've been busy," Harry reasons.

"Too busy for your own mother?"

Louis is sure his eyes are about to fall out of his head. Harry's mother is in the living room and here he is in his underwear and in her son's see through shirt. How did his life become this?

"No, I'm sorry, mum. I should have called. That's no excuse. It's like I moved in and things just started happening and I haven't stopped since," he hears Harry explain.

There's a moment of silence before he hears, "Harry Edward, I see that blush! Is there a man you're seeing?"

Surely, Louis is blushing himself now. He really needs to get back to Harry's room. He's hit with the memory of the words Harry said to him last night, unaware that Louis heard him and his skin breaks out in goosebumps.

"Mum," Harry draws out, sounding like he's 10 instead of 24. "Please keep your voice down."

"He's here isn't he? Where are you hiding him? I want to meet him."

The sound of footsteps in the living room have Louis quickly backing up towards Harry's bedroom. Thankfully, they stop before anyone enters the hallway. He lets out a sigh of relief. He does not want to meet Harry's mum in his skivvies.

"You can another day. I don't know if we're ready for that yet," Harry says.

"It must be somewhat serious if you've got him sleeping over."

Louis hears Harry let out a sigh, and when he speaks, his voice sounds muffled like he's got his face buried in something. "I haven't told him yet."

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