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My bedroom door burst open and in came my mother. She looked startled to see me. I was startled too. No one ever entered my room without knocking, including my own mother.
"You are in here?" she asked. I didn't understand why she asked that question. It was early in the morning and I had just woken up, where else could I be.
"Duh," I said.
She was holding a stack of clothes, mine of course which I had left on the line to dry. I didn't expect her to take them down for me. Even when she wanted to wash her own clothes, she always called me to take them down unless I wasn't around.
She walked to the bed and put the stack of clothes on the bed. I sat up and started folding them.
"When did you return?" she questioned.
"From where?" I wanted to know. I had no idea why she was acting like that. She was acting as if she had no idea that I was home.
Just then the door burst open again and in rushed my young adorable sister Diane.
"Mum," she cried. "I can't find my other pair of socks."
"Oh dear," mother sighed. "Did you check-"
"I checked every where," Diane quickly said. "Please, mum, I will be late to school."
Mum sighed again and left the room. Diane threw me a look I couldn't miss.
"How are you, sister Emmy?" she asked me. I loved her. She loved me too. She was so clever, imaginative, bright and adorable. I loved her a lot.
"I'm good," I replied then asked her. "Did you really lose your socks? Its not like you at all."
It wasn't like her at all. Despite her age, Diane was neat and careful with her things, unlike I when I was her age.
Diane made no reply. Instead she started going around the room. It was then that I realized the lose board.
"What happened?" I demanded. Yes, it was lose, but not that lose. I left the clothes, stood up and walked to it. It was as if someone tried to tear it down.
"It is your room sister Emmy," Diane replied.
I sighed. This day had really started out weird. First, mum treats me like she had no idea where I was and now I find my room in this disorder. What the hell happened?
I tried to recall, but then I stopped. I couldn't. The last thing I remember was I having some jokes with dad. He is officially back. Thanks to-
I stopped. I couldn't remember. Why was dad back? Who brought him back? What happened?
Now this was getting scary.
"Diane," I said. There was a tremor in my voice. "What happened last night?"
"Last night what?" she asked back.
"I mean," I said, "after I was done talking with daddy?"
"You went to sleep," she answered.
"Then why is mum-" I began to ask.
"I have no idea why," she interrupted me, a not so common behavior for Diane. And that made me more suspicious than scared. She knew something. Diane knew something. Only she wasn't going to tell. And guess what, Diane never told secrets. I had to find a way to make her speak. The moment I wanted to say something, she was out of my room. I fell back on the bed.
I tried to remember, but nothing came to my mind.
Was I getting dementia? Did I knock myself on the head? Did someone give me drug? Should I see the doctor? What will happen to me? And what the hell happened?
I jumped up and rushed to get ready. I knew two people would know: Daniel and Natasha. But Natasha was no longer my friend. She was now friends with the cool girls and they even helped her organize a party that I didn't attend, all because I had no perfect clothes for that occasion. That night she treated me like trash. I left crying. Then-
I stopped. I couldn't remember more about that night. I froze for a moment.
Did I meet an alien who stole some of my memories?
What should I do?
Should I speak to mum and dad? Should I beg Diane to tell me the truth? What should I do?
I was getting more scared and I knew it.
I rushed out of my room. The first person I saw was dad.
"Hello there," he greeted me with a smile.
I forged a smile. It was so obvious that it was a fake smile.
"Are you okay?" dad asked me.
I shook my head. I didn't mean to, but I just found myself shaking my head.
"Did that man do anything bad to you?" he asked me. So there was a man. Who was he? Where the hell is he?
"No," I said. I had no idea what that man did.
"When did he return you home?" dad wanted to know.
"I-" I stammered. "I don't know, dad. And I'm scared."
"Talk to me," dad said. "I am a lawyer. Talk to me."
I had no idea where to start, or at least what to say.
Diane interrupted us again. She jumped to dad's side and shouted, "dad's driving me to school today."
Then she started singing all over the place and in a minute, she had all our attention. Though it was amazing seeing her happy, she was my younger sister who I had held since she was born and I knew her too  well to know that she was preventing me from knowing something.
Whatever it was, I would find out. I had to know. I had to know. I couldn't continue living like this. All I hoped was matters to be less complicated at the college. I was completely wrong.

Calling to the Starsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें