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"When will you stop watching her?" a voice I hated the most asked me. I didn't have to turn around to see who was talking. That would have sent me insane because my hatred for this girl had reached a maximum level that my head was about to explode.
"She's a forbidden girl," she went on, as if I didn't know that. "And you can't be with her."
I made no reply. I knew she didn't like that because she hated to be ignored. She was beautiful, rich and popular and a daughter of a very important Duchess but I just hated her. She sat next to me. My eyes were glued on the screen in front of me, and I was watching a girl on earth. I was madly in love with that girl on the screen. I could kill myself for her. I did do anything just to be with her again. Her name was Emerald, and I loved Emerald.
"I am here," the girl next to me went on. She was Vanessa, a girl chosen by my people to be my Queen. "I will make you forget her."
She had forgotten that day that I hit her. I had told myself never to hit a girl, but that day it was too much. I couldn't control myself. She was speaking bad about Emerald and no one ever had the right of speaking bad about Emerald. Deep inside me, she was my real Queen. I loved her, so much that it hurt. And it shattered my heart completely just to think of the treatment I gave her. I had given her all the pleasures, I had allowed her to fall deeper for me, she had given me everything, then I left without even a proper goodbye. I left, assigning Milka the task of making her forget me, which was terrible. It made her be like a doll. I played her. I did her terrible. I needed to apologize. But how could I?
I knew exactly where to find her, but I couldn't go to her. I needed her, but I couldn't have her. She was my true love, yet so impossible to have. We were separated by a divine so wide, so strong, so murdering.
I would do anything, even kill, just to be with her. But what was there to do?
There was a knock on the door. I didn't bother say "come in". Vanessa did it for me.
"Come in," she said.
The door opened. My attendant walked in.
"You are called at the studio, his honorable," he said, bowing so low.
I didn't answer. All I did was stand up and leave. I just couldn't pretend that I was happy. I was heartbroken. I saw no happiness.
I walked straight to the studio. We were still in the spaceship. My father, the king of our planet Jahanet had refused me the permission of going back to the planet, just in case I decided to return to earth. He wanted to have me somewhere close to me so that he could know exactly what I'm doing.
On entering the studio, I found my parents, Gen. Oleander, Madam Miranda along with my team. I sat on a couch. A moment later Vanessa joined too.
"How are you?" mother asked me. What was it to her? If I told her exactly how I felt, what would she have done, really.
"He looks at her pictures every time," Vanessa answered for me. I threw her a deadly look. She turned away.
"You need to forget her," mother said. "It's best for you and her."
"Only she isn't forgetting," Gen. Oleander said. He switched on the smartboard which was connected to his phone. A graph appeared and that graph was going down little by little.
"She's not happy," my dad, King Luce, said. "Your team didn't do a good job making her forget." He turned to Milka, "you made her forget only, what about the others?"
Milka was one of the girl in my team. She had a special power. She could make people sleep and forget some things, only not permanently.
"I'm sorry," Milka apologized.
"And you think sorry will help?" Vanessa questioned her. "The graph is going down and all you can say is sorry."
"Then do something," I yelled at Vanessa. "Then go out there and let's see what you can do."
"Now shut up," mother and father shouted at me at almost the same time. I was being arrogant and I knew it. I couldn't control it. I had lost myself to a beautiful girl in Earth and there was no way else I could find myself.
"Milka," mother ordered. "You need to go down there and sort this mess out."
She was acting as if everything was Milka's fault. They were blaming the likes of her because the one to blame, who was me, was almost out of reach. No one could blame me. I would explode in their faces and probably fire everyone but mum and dad.
"Yes, your majesty," she said.
I knew what they wanted her to do. They wanted to send her down there so that she could make everyone who saw me forget. It was cruel and I knew it. She knew it too. Somehow, I knew I had to stop her.
But how?


I was staring outside at the galaxy. Milka was to leave the following day. I knew I had to see her before she departed.
"Prince Leandra," I heard Vanessa call. I turned to look at her. Did this girl really know that I could kill her with my bear hands?
"We are to be married," she said, as if I didn't know that. "We are told to choose a date."
I didn't want to believe that.
She went on, "I chose our wedding to be in a week's time. You have to marry me, because, I love you."
I glared at her. Why should I love back this dreadful thing in front of me? She wasn't Emerald, and I loved Emerald.
I turned back to the emptiness outside the ship.
"I could destroy our planet," she boasted. I knew she couldn't. "Because I have the opposite power to Milka."
My breathing stopped. Yes, she did. And I had forgotten completely. She could make people remember the things they were forced to forget. She could simply fly to earth and make Emerald remember, then all our work will be nothing.
I turned to look at her. She had a look of triumph on her face.
"Do you want that?" she questioned.
I didn't answer. I shoved her aside and walked away. I needed to find Milka.

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