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"Emergency," Milka's voice was sounded clearly through the speakers of the studio. "Emergency."
Everyone responsible rushed to his/her respective unit. The emergency unit was listening carefully. Their captain, General Luke, took his microphone and switched it on.
"Yes," General Luke said. "Gen. Luke. Please proceed."
"We have a problem," Milka said. "It's Milka speaking by the way."
Another person in that department moved to the computer. He quickly typed Milka's name and her details appeared on screen. The information about the job she was given appeared too. Gen. Luke took a long look on the screen.
"Yes," he said.
"There's someone against us," Milka said. "And she has supernatural  powers which are of the people of the shooting star."
"How is that possible?" questioned someone in that department.
"We are sending reinforcements," Gen. Luke said.

Gen. Oleander looked at the screen. Only he had the guts. Others couldn't take it anymore. Something big had happened on earth and it had a huge effect on them. They had failed. They were doomed, almost.
Emerald had remembered everything, triggered by the letter she had found. There was no way she could forget again. Performing the spell on a human being  more than once had a huge effect on the human being.
They had failed.
Milka had failed.
But most of all, Prince Leandra had failed. The only heir to the throne of Jahanet had failed. He had failed the planet badly. And now the effects of his failure would be on the planet for years. They lived upon granting the wishes, magically and mysteriously depending on the happiness and satisfaction that a person got.
They had failed.
An emergency meeting was held trying to see what to do in order to save the planet from this doom.
There were the Queen and King, Gen
Oleander and Luke, Madam Miranda, the Duchess of the Capital, Duchess Darlene who was also Vanessa's mother, Prince Leandra, Vanessa, Dr. Kingston and a few others.
"We have failed," Gen. Oleander started. "She remembered. The crew didn't do a good job. Now we know how huge the whole thing was. We need to know how to make it normal."
"They will never be normal," a lady whose name was Nancy said. She was young but very successful. She was an expert in people's feelings. "Love is something else. When one fall in love, it's hard to fall out. And as for that girl on earth, it's highly impossible to do that anytime soon. Prince Leandra was her first everything."
"But we need to do something," Queen Emeline said. "She needs to somehow forget him."
"Prince Leandra needs to help," the Chief Justice, who was  also present said. "I mean, it's all his fault."
"It's not," Nancy said. "You can't control what your heart falls for."
"But for his status," the Chief said.
"We need to think of ways to help," King Luce said, "not who to blame."
"She needs to fall in love with someone else," Nancy explained. "Someone amazing."
"In their world," Dr. Kingston said, "they are crazy about celebrities. We should influenced one celebrity-"
"Exactly," Nancy supported him. "One who has a story similar to hers."
They started searching through their devices, all but Prince Leandra and Vanessa. Prince Leandra was deep in thoughts. Vanessa eyed him closely.
All started giving out suggestions. One name was agreed on. Corey Charles.
And then it came on the case of Ms. Olily.
"She has the powers of people of the shooting star," Gen. Luke said. "We are now holding her and Natasha captive."
"How is that possible?" Queen Emeline wanted to know.
"There is one way," Dr. Kingston explained.
All eyes turned to him.
"She's the ascendant of a person from here," Dr. Kingston said.
"You mean-" King Luce started.
"Yes," Dr. Kingston said. "Him."
Everyone knew well what they meant. A long time ago, someone had disappeared from Jahanet. He was a man so powerful, so popular, so successful, who had led the planet to many victories. He had fallen in love with a lady on earth. The planet prohibited him from that relationship. He did one thing. He disappeared. No one knew to where. The woman who he loved disappeared too for years, but no one on earth was aware of her disappearance. It was as if there was a trick played on them only. After about thirty five years, the Jahanet people gave up the search. Could Ms. Olily really be the daughter of that long lost man?
"We shouldn't let her go," King Luce said. "If it's really her, then we need to bring her here, where she truly belongs."
"But she was born and raised on earth," Madam Miranda said. "She doesn't know our ways, our styles, anything."
"Yes," Duchess Darlene said, "but if she remain on earth, she will be a threat to all our missions. She needs to be brought here-"
"Even being punished a bit," said Vanessa, glad to finally said something. "As a future Empress, or Queen as we call it, I want all the quests and missions to go smoothly, not with half Jahanet people disturbing us."
"Yes, my daughter," Duchess Darlene agreed. "You will make a perfect queen." She turned to Prince Leandra and added, "I know we can't control who we fall in love with. But the best are those who realizes their mistakes and make sure not to repeat them again, right?"
She turned to look at the faces. They nodded slightly. Duchess Darlene continued, "my daughter was chosen for you for a purpose. She was the best among all. Please, Prince Leandra, accept her as your Queen."
All eyes turned to Prince Leandra. He didn't understand these people. First they completely listened to Nancy and now they wanted him to accept Vanessa as his queen. All eyes were on him. He looked at Vanessa. Just like her mother, she was eagerly looking at him. He turned to his mother. She was nodding at him.
Prince Leandra stood up and pulled back his chair.
"I will leave first," he said and took a bow. He was out of the room before anyone said anything.
The moment he was out, Vanessa questioned, "do you think he will marry me?"
"He has to," Duchess Darlene said. She turned to Nancy, "you have to assure that."
"Hey, I'm not his heart," Nancy said. "All I'm asked to do is help Emerald fall in love with Corey Charles, and nothing else."
"But I ,Vanessa, is the future queen," Vanessa protested. "You have to help. It's an order."
"You aren't even engaged, let alone being formally introduced," Nancy said.
"Exactly," Madam Miranda agreed.
"He can choose another girl and no one can say anything," Nancy said.
"No way," Duchess Darlene and Vanessa said at once.
"No such thing will happen," Vanessa said.
"Love isn't force and arrogance," Nancy said.
"He didn't waste my time for nothing," Vanessa said. She turned to the Queen and King, "please I had been waiting  for him. You accepted me."
"We did," King Luce said. "But remember, at the end it's him that will get married."
"Not that we don't want him to marry you," Queen Emeline said. "We love you. But we can't force him. We only interfere when he goes too far, like with that earth girl."
"Yet, we need to go slow and easy on him," Dr. Kingston said. "We don't want him to choose something harsh."
"Yeah," Nancy supported. "Since love is blind and wicked."
That shocked everyone.
"He won't," Queen Emeline said. "He's the only heir to the throne."
No one said anything. There was an awkward silence that no one liked.
"I think we should call it quits," King Luce said. He didn't like where the conversation was going. Prince Leandra was his only child. He would do anything to keep him.

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