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I was back on earth. I had done something already. I had been informed that Emerald was on her way to see someone who could help her. I set up the accident so that she didn't go. Now I had a few things to do. I had to find the queens who kept asking Emerald about Prince Leandra, only they knew him as Leon. I took out my device and input some codes. My special glasses were on so only I could see the special apps for our planet only. I typed some things and immediately the map of the town appeared. It showed a spot where I could find those girls. I didn't like them.
I slowly drove there. The good thing was that, this time I was given a car. It was a flashy red Lamborghini that I knew was the attention of anyone who saw it. I didn't care. I reached the place where those girls were. It was a fancy restaurant, Choppies was it's name. I parked the car and went inside. A waiter came to receive me.
"Please, you are welcome," he politely said.
I scanned the place. There was no sign of those girls though I was sure they were there. Our devices never go wrong.
"Will you sit here or the outside?" he questioned. "It's in the garden, a very amazing place. Or by the fountain?"
"I'm looking for some girls," I said. "A group of them. I am their guest."
"They are outside," the waiter told me.
"Thank you," I said. "Kindly take me there."
He didn't hesitate but led me to those girls. They were all there, finishing up their meals. I approached them. They turned to look at me. I knew they remembered me as Milan, a friend of Emerald.
I greeted them warmly.
"Shall I take your order?" the waiter asked.
"I will call you," I told him. He nodded and left.
"Any problem?" Mia asked.
"Perhaps you can help us," Helen said. "About Leon. Surely you know something."
"Leon is why I came," I told them. I saw their excited faces. I stood up straight calling my power, silently casting a spell on them. I added, "you won't remember him again. You won't remember me either."
I turned around and walked a few steps away from them.
I heard Natasha ask, "we need to hurry up and leave, guys."
And their conversation was now about some concert and celebrities. They had forgotten. But they shouldn't see me again. I was the trigger.
Now it was to get Natasha. I looked at my device as I walked back to my car. I input some codes. There appeared the map again with a dot which represented where Natasha was. Only it was moving. Red words appeared just below the map. It was written Emergency: Heading to Olily.
That meant wherever she was heading, it wasn't good for us. I had to hurry up and catch up with her.
I knew there was only one way, I had to call for help from others on earth. Luckily for me, they responded quickly.

I was being followed and I knew it. Emerald was at her home already. I didn't go home. I knew I had to return to my aunts place again. I had to get help. We needed another plan. I knew Emerald was being watched and they would do anything to prevent her from remembering. I had to help. I had no choice.
I speeder up a bit. Behind me, I sensed another car speeding up too.
It was a black saloon. I took a corner, then another and another. I knew I had lost the car now. I sighed in relief. But then infront of me, another car, a white Mercedes Benz stopped and blocked the way. Outside stepped out a really cute guy. He was wearing jeans, baby blue shirt and leather boots. Bravely, I got out of my car too. We were in the middle of some forest. There wasn't a person in sight. The only other living thing apart from us was a big black hawk, probably looking for nests in order to steal eggs and little birds.
"Do you mind you are blocking the road," I said.
"So what?" he asked.
Strangely, I noticed that the accent was the same as Leon's.
Behind me, I heard a car approaching. It was that black saloon. Fear got in me. What if they had come to kill me for helping Emerald? Something told me they won't kill me,  or hurt me in anyway. Then what did they want?
realization dawned on me as I panicked even more. They want to make me forget too. I sighed.
Outside the saloon stepped up an elderly man. Just then a red Lamborghini appeared from behind the saloon. It stopped. Outside stepped that girl Milan. The so-called Milan.
She slowly walked to me. She looked sexy in her black skin jeans and cheetah like blouse.
"We won't hurt you," she said. "We only wanted your help."
"Liar," I said. "You want to make me forget, like what you did to Emerald."
"Smart brains," Milan said.
"You won't get away with this," I swore. "You will pay for this. I swear you will."
"You won't remember a thing," Milan said. "In fact you are heading home right now."
And the next thing I knew was that I was alone in this deserted area. I looked around me. I had no idea why I was here.
"Come to my place," I heard a voice say. I screamed as I turned around. It was only Ms. Olily.
"What happened?" I asked her. "What are you doing here?"
"I saw everything," she said. "I was the hawk."
The hawk? Then I remembered, I did see a hawk, and what else?
She got in my car.
I got in too.
"Give me her number," she said.
"Whose?" I questioned.
"Emerald," she replied, surprising me. Why on earth would she want Emerald's number. Emerald hated this woman. I gave it to her anyway. I was in my own state of shock, not knowing why I came to this deserted place and what did Ms. Olily see.
In a moment, we were surrounded by three cars. Somehow, it felt familiar. Three people came out of the cars and walked to us. One was an elderly man, the other was a one cute guy and the last a beautiful lady. They didn't look that dangerous though. I noticed Ms. Olily was calling the number I had given her.
"Your spell doesn't work on me," she said. I saw their shocked expressions, and I could almost imagine how my face looked now. Probably pale as death, eyes as wide as my mouth.
"You don't know me," she continued to say. "But I know you."
The elderly man tried to open the door. He couldn't it was locked.
"And I know that once Emerald is triggered to remember," she went on, "she will never forget."
I had no idea what Ms. Olily was talking about. But she had a PhD in astronomy and knew some few magic too. Emerald called her a witch.
"Hello," I heard Emerald's voice. She sounded tired and defeated. My poor friend. "Who are you and how did you get my number?"
"I am Ms. Olily," my aunt introducrd herself.
"Yes," Emerald said. "And how can I help you?"
"Natasha gave me your number," Ms. Olily explained. "She said you needed help. I am her aunt, by the way."
I didn't remember ever saying that Emerald needed help. In fact, wasn't it her that asked me for Emerald's number? I knew I had to talk to Emerald. She would hate me. I started regretting giving her Emerald's number.
"You need to remember," Ms. Olily said. "But I can't help you since they are preventing it."
I heard the three people curse. The lady even started banging on the window. Ms. Olily looked at them with a look of triumph.
"Who is they?" Emerald questioned.
"Who did that to you," Ms. Olily replied.
"Then if you can't help," Emerald said, sounding angry now, "why the hell are you calling me?"
"Because you need a trigger," Ms
Olily answered casually. "Look for it."
"What?" Emerald questioned.
"A trigger," she repeated. "Look for it."
"Where do I find it?" Emerald asked.
"It's probably hidden," she told me. "Just keep looking." She paused then added, "be fast please. You probably have only a few minutes till you are doomed forever. Good luck."
The moment she said that, the three people rushed to their cars. Ms. Olily quickly went out of the car. She chanted so loudly, spreading her legs, and a magical wall appeared surrounding all of us. I saw the lady busy fiddling with the phone. Ms. Olily went on chanting. She looked tired. She fell on her knees, continuing to chant her spells. Suddenly, we saw a chopper approaching. The door opened and I saw someone pointing a gun downwards. I quickly got out and jumped in front of Ms. Olily just as the person holding the guy pulled the trigger. I only felt something like a prick. Suddenly, I felt dizzy. Everything was going around and around and around. I closed my eyes. I couldn't open them again.

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