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When I woke up, I was in a helicopter. It was flying low. It had no pilot which meant it was automatic. It was already set to fly itself and land where it was programmed. I knew it was landing. I looked outside. I recognized the base of Jahanet on earth. Everyone sent to earth had to pass through here. The helicopter landed on the ground. I got down and headed for the entrance. Everyone seemed surprised to see me, but I was the heir to the throne and no one had the power to tell me anything, except my parents.
One of the workers rushed to me and asked, "his highness, can we help you?"
"Take me to Emerald's ward," I ordered him.
He didn't argure or ask anything. I was taken to that ward immediately.
I saw her. My heart almost stopped when I entered in the ward. Tears filled my eyes. There she was, lying, almost lifeless. She was just beautiful. Beauty like that was dangerous. She was pulling me towards her, like gravity. I needed her. It hurt to see her like that. It was all my fault. I walked slowly towards her. I was afraid that this was a dream and I would wake up back in our ship, or even back at the planet. I just came to love this girl above everything else, and for once I regretted ever leaving her. I wanted to spend my entire life with her. I wanted to die by her side, even be buried in the same grave as her.
I needed her.
I reached her bed and touched her hand. Soft, like fur. I missed her touch. I missed her everything.
"Sleeping beauty," I whispered, kneeling by her bed. "I missed you, please wake up."
I kissed her hand.
She started shifting and in a moment the alarms started going. Doctors rushed in. They saw me and greeted me politely as they went on with their work.
I held  her hand.
I refused to let it go.
The doctors, later removed the life machine. Emerald started coughing as tears flowed out of her eyes. I held her tighter.
She was magically recovering. She only needed me. Only me.
Finally, she stopped coughing and her breathing became stable.
"Leon," she whispered. Her voice was still the honey thick sweet voice.
"Yes," I said.
"Where are you?" she sobbed.
"I'm here," I told her.
The doctors were looking strangely at us yet pretending to be busy.
"I'm mental to be hearing voices," she laughed bitterly. "And speaking to myself too." She turned the other side, "I love you, Leon."
I stood up and said, "I'm mental to be madly in love with you." I bent down then put both my hands on her cheeks. I kissed her cheek, then her neck. "I love you," I added then kissed her on the lips. She hesitated at first but then started responding. I only meant it to be a light kiss but I had no control when it turned to a deep hungry kiss. I needed her. I needed her.
When we drew apart, we were both exhausted. She shoot her eyes open and the expression she wore was worth killing for. It was the most joyful thing I had ever seen. She sparkled like this brightest star. That smile, I loved it. She dissolved into giggles as she sat up and pulled me in her arms. I hugged her back. Even her laughter sounded like a thousand melodious Christmas bells. She was happy. I was happy too. We drew apart, she looked at me and laughed again then pulled me into another kiss, and another.
"You are back," she said happily.
"And will never leave again," I promised her and myself.
"You are my prince," she told me. "Thanks for coming back."
I kissed her again. I loved her. I loved her to eternity.
The door burst open and in rushed her parents with the little Diane.
"She's awake," Mrs. Vent screamed as she rushed forward to meet her daughter. I stepped aside as I let Emerald be embraced by her parents and sister. When they were done, Mrs. Vent turned to me.
"Hello Leon," she greeted me. "I had no idea you are back."
"I just arrived," I answered truthfully.
"Yes, you did," said Mrs. Vent as she raised her arm. I knew immediately what it was, yet I let it happen. She slapped me as hard as she could.
"Mum," cried Emerald.
"That's for disappearing just like that," she yelled at me. She gave me another hard slap then punched me on the face as she continued, "you are such a witch. We went through hell when you were gone, and now you think you can just appear and smile and make out and it's over." I knew better than to argure. I let her hit me, fist after fist until she got tired.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"Shut up," she yelled at me and slapped me again. I saw Mr. Vent clenching his fist too. I heard Emerald laughing. Now I could let them hit me forever as long as I kept hearing that voice.
A doctor interrupted her.
"Excuse me," the doctor said, "but the patient needs to go through the final check up."
"You escort her," Mr. Vent suddenly said to Mrs. Vent, "I need to have a word with Leon."
No one argued. Emerald wasn't shy or afraid of giving me a quick kiss on the lips before she walked out with her mother, Diane and the doctors.
I turned to Mr. Vent.
"Who are you?" he asked me.
"Leon," I replied.
"Liar," he hissed and threw me a fist. I caught it, purposely. He tried to kick me but I caught his leg with my other hand and squeezed it tight. He tried to let go but I pushed him on the floor. He quickly stood up and started fighting me. All I did was to defend myself. I knew I shouldn't fight him for many reasons, one of it being that he is human and the second being he is my father in-law. He grew tired.
"I knew you were a dangerous person," he told me. "And I know you aren't fit for my daughter."
The words stung me like a bee.
"I love your daughter," I told him, almost desperate. "I love her so much."
"Prove it," he said. "First of all, you disappear and she doesn't remember. Then she remembers and she falls into a comma. And now you appear and boom, she's alright. Boy, if you are a sorcerer then I swear I'll burn you alive."
I knew he had no power of doing such a thing, but I needed him to like me.
I knelt down suddenly.
"Please," I begged him. "Please, let me prove it to you that I love her."
"How is that?" he wanted to know.
I thought hard. What should I do?
"I'll marry her," I blurted her without second thoughts. "I'll make her my queen."
"Queen?" he asked.
Oops. It had come out by accident. I wondered if I should lie or speak the truth. I was tired of lying.
"Promise not to tell Emerald," I told him as I stood up. "Or anyone else. And promise not to ask too many questions."
"Yes," he said. "I promise."
He was a man of his word, a very trusted and loved lawyer. I believed him.
"I'm the only heir to the throne of where I am from," I told him. "It was like an accident that I fell in love with her. I loved her. But she doesn't know my identity, that is why I had left. I had wanted nothing to go on between us but your daughter pushed things forward and guess what, I love her too much. I was blinded by it all. I left when it was too late."
Mr. Vent nodded. Yet he asked, "sorry, but what about her forgetting? It was the act of the supernatural."
"I said no questions," I reminded him.
"You said I shouldn't ask too many questions," he pointed out to me.
"Yes," I told him. "It was meant to make her forget me, but love is too strong. She remembered and I left the throne to be with her."
"I thought you were the only heir," said Mr. Vent, surprised.
"If l can give up my life for Emerald," I asked Mr. Vent, "what is the throne?"
That was the choice that I made.

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