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Natasha came home early in the morning. She was kindly received by the happy-to-see-her Diane. Diane ran forward to offer her a hug. Natasha carried her, turned her around and put her down.
Diane giggled. Just then Emerald walked to the sitting room.
"I came to take Emerald," Natasha said.
"Where are you going?" Diane asked.
"Somewhere where she can get help," Natasha explained.
"You can't," Diane said. "She needs to come with me to school."
"You never told me earlier," Emerald told Diane.
"But I'm telling you now," Diane almost cried.
"What's up in school, Adorable?" Natasha asked.
"I want her to take me to school," Diane said. There was nothing really happening in school.
"I won't," Emerald said. "I'm sorry."
Then she started crying again.
Oh dear.
"I'll bring you biscuits when you return," Natasha offered. "And a barbie doll."
"Now what's that noise," mum asked coming to the sitting room. "Hello Natasha, I didn't know that you are here."
"Hello Mrs. Vent," Natasha greeted Emerald's mum.
Mum turned to Diane.
"What is it now, Diane," she asked. "Did sister Emmy hit you again?"
"You-" Natasha started to ask.
"I never did," Emerald told her.
"She doesn't wanna take me to school," Diane cried.
"Emerald," mum turned to Emerald, annoyed. "Why do you like seeing Diane crying nowadays? Wasn't it you that wished for love and happiness?"
"Mum," Emerald started to say.
"We have an early test," Natasha interrupted her. "Diane doesn't understand."
"Oh," Stephanie said taking Diane's hand. She pulled the hand away and started whimpering now. "They will bring you all the goodies."
But Diane didn't understand. Stephanie carried Diane who started protesting by throwing her legs and arms around.
"Just go ahead, girls," Stephanie said. "I have no idea why she's throwing all this fit."
Emerald knew well, though she wasn't completely sure.


"She's been acting so weird," Emerald was telling Natasha, "and I'm sure she doesn't want me to remember."
"She's a kid, Emerald," Natasha told her. "They always have something new in their heads."
"She always butt in when mum and dad starts their questions," Emerald said.
"She's coming to your rescue," Natasha pointed out. "You must be thankful."
Emerald sighed. It was no use explaining to her. No one knew the little Diane more than she did and she was definitely sure she was hiding something. The two girls were in Natasha's car and on their way to see the witch doctor that Natasha had booked. Emerald had no idea where they were going, Natasha never told her because she knew well that the woman wasn't  Emerald's fan. Emerald was raised to believe that all types of magic were bad.
The day was promising to be a good one, with a clear sky and a soft breeze. They had no lessons that day. They road was so clear. They drove in silence for a while and Natasha seeing that decided to put up some music. Soon the two girls were singing along to their favourite song, lost in the world of music that they did not see an old man crossing the road.
It was so sudden that they had ni idea where he came from. He wasn't there. They were sure about it, but suddenly, there he was in the middle of the road. Natasha tried hitting the brakes while turning the steering wheel but it was too late. They old man was on the road, knocked down. Emerald screamed.
"Shut up," Natasha yelled, rushing outside the car. She was scared to death and her only hope was to find the old man alive. She ran to him. He was still breathing, she could hear his rapid breathing and his heart seemed to be on a race.
"Are you okay?" Natasha asked, her own voice shook with fear.
Slowly, Emerald stepped out of the car,her legs like made of spaghetti.
"Call the police," Natasha ordered.
"Okay," Emerald said shaking. She took her phone and dialed the police number.
Their journey to see that woman was already over.


They were seated outside the hospital pacing up and down. The old man was doing fine. It turned out that he wasn't really knocked but had fell down of shock. He had no ID or anything that would have showed who he was and maybe provided clue to how to reach his closest people. He had no phone too.
"At least it wasn't that bad," Natasha said. "It would have been worse, you know."
Emerald nodded. Her shock was gone and she was back to normal. Her father and Natasha's parents had been extra good. They did good supporting them. She felt proud of them. But something was disturbing her mind. The old man had seemed to appear from air. Could he even be real, or was this another trick played on them so that she never get close to finding out the truth? If so, what truth was she hidden from? Why? Who was this Leon guy? Was he doing all this? Why? She had no answers and it disturbed her.
"We will go another time," Natasha said cheerfully. "I will explain to her."
"No," Emerald said. "Let's go now."
"Why?" Natasha questioned. "You are as pale as death, you need a rest."
"No," Emerald insisted. She turned to look at Natasha, and Natasha trembled. Emerald's eyes were wide open with something like shock or fear, her skin so pale that one might conclude that she was I'll, and she looked scared. "The man appeared from no where, we were been tricked, Nata."
Natasha thought about it. Yes, the man had appeared from no where.
"They don't want me to know," Emerald continued. "I need to know. Let's go, Natasha."
The two girls made excuses and left. They walked to Natasha's car. It wasn't damaged at all. They got in. The moment Natasha wanted to start the car, someone knocked on the window.
Natasha rolled the window pane down. He was a young man who did the job of washing cars at a parking closest to the hospital.
"Yes," Natasha said, sounding annoyed.
"You have flat tyres," the man said.
"What? How?" Natasha exclaimed.
It didn't make sense. The car only came from service the last day and it had a flat tyre today?
Natasha got down and examined the tyres. It wasn't only one flat tyre but three. She cursed.
"I'll screw those bastards," Natasha swore. "They cheated me."
"But don't you go to that garage every time you need a service done?" Emerald asked getting down from the car.
"I do," Natasha said. She looked worn out. She leaned on her car. "Not only me, but not whole family."
"Don't you now believe what I said?" Emerald questioned, standing in front of Natasha. "That they don't want me to know the truth?"
"They were no flat tyres when we climbed in," Natasha said. Then realization dawned on both of them.
"That man," they both said, almost shouting. They turned to the direction that the man had gone. He was no where to be seen.
Emerald got an idea too. She took Natasha's hand and rushed back to the hospital. Surprising, the old man was mysteriously gone too.

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