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I walked in the house tired like I had worked the whole day. I was tired of the game that I was been played on. I was tired of not being able to remember. I needed this whole thing to stop.
I heard the phone ring. I looked at it. It was a new number. I ignored it. It ringed again and again that I just decided to answer it.
"Hello, who are you and how did you get my number?" I sulkily said.
"I am Ms. Olily," the caller said. I noticed her strange accent straight away. It sounded familiar.
"Yes," I said. "And how can I help you?"
"Natasha gave me your number," the so called Ms. Olily said. "She said you needed help. I am her aunt, by the way."
And then it hit me. Natasha was taking me to that witch doctor aunt of hers which I detested beyond words. I hated magic and any sort of sorcery. But wasn't I affected by one already? Wasn't Leon magical in any way?
If it weren't for my current situation, then I would have hung up the call.
"You need to remember," Ms. Olily said. "But I can't help you since they are preventing it."
"Who is they?" I wanted to know.
"Who did that to you," she replied.
"Then if you can't help," I demanded angrily, "why the hell are you calling me?"
"Because you need a trigger," she answered casually. "Look for it."
"What?" I asked again.
"A trigger," she repeated. "Look for it."
"Where do I find it?" I asked.
"It's probably hidden," she told me. "Just keep looking." She paused then added, "be fast please. You probably have only a few minutes till you are doomed forever. Good luck."
She hanged the call. I could feel my heart beating faster and loudly.
A few minutes?
I started thinking fast. I rushed to my room and started looking everywhere, in the wardrobe, under the bed, in my school bag, in the shelf. There was nothing that seemed like a trigger.
I ran outside. Maybe its buried somewhere, but hard as I looked, I didn't find a single spot that seemed to be dug recently. I fell on the ground as tears rolled down my cheeks. I was doomed. I was being played badly. I promised to do a revenge to that Leon guy who did me this. I hated him. I hated him. I hated him. And I hated all those that helped him. I knew that they were some people who knew well what was going on but didn't want to tell me. Why? What are they protecting? What are they preventing me from? Like Diane, why had she sided with them instead of helping me, her own sister.
And then I thought of something, could Diane know where the trigger was? Or what it was? Could it even be her who hid it? I tried to dismiss the thought, but it came back again and again, stronger than ever. I stood up. I slowly walked back inside the house. Diane wasnt in the house. Mum was in the kitchen. Dad was still at work. I went to Diane's room. It was neatly made. I looked around. Nothing looked like a trigger. But then I thought, if I was Diane, where could I hide something so precious that I didn't want anyone to find?
The storeroom. No one but her went there. I went to the storeroom. It did seem like something was hidden here. But I had no idea how to find it. I started moving things, opening some boxes, looking under a million things. It was a long time since I saw the lose floor. I lifted the tiles. They were a few things under. I moved them carelessly, and then I noticed, that one box addressed to me. If that thing is mine, what is it doing here? In the storeroom? I lifted it and put it near the door. I returned everything else as I had found it. I then carried the box to my room. I sat on my bed and opened it. I was utterly surprised by the amount of precious stones found inside. Did I rob all these?
Then I saw a letter, addressed to me, the handwriting so good that I loved it instantly. I turned the envelope over and I froze. It was from Leon.
My hand was shaking as I tore it open. I took the letter out and I read.

I begin by saying, that I swear there is no girl I love like you, and there will never be, even if I live to be a thousands years old. You are just-you, unique in every way. And I love you. I love you, Emerald. And these words are coming from my heart. I knew, if I spoke from my heart, it would be broken one day, shattered in a thousands pieces that can never be fixed. That is my heart. It broke the first time I saw you. It went out to you and never returned the same. You had me going crazy. You broke my heart then because I had no idea if I will ever have you. That thought hurt like death, because even though I never knew you well, I wanted you, needed  you. I loved you at first sight.
Emerald, it hurts, so much, so deep, that I have to go. I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you earlier. I let you fall in love with me and you gave me everything. You showed me all the proof that you loved me, but what did I give you? I don't see it. Girl, I love you, I can say that a hundred times and I would give anything, even my life, just for the chance of seeing you again. I wish, to see you by my side every time, sleep next to you, knowing that I'll be forever next to you when we wake up, or wake up to my warm kisses, or maybe the sweetest morning love. All because I love you, Emerald.
I'm sorry I couldn't be honest with you from the beginning. I should have told you that I wasn't going to stay, despite how much I desired it to be so. I should have told you that I was only here temporary, and I would soon move away. I was scared of admitting this painful truth because I wasn't strong enough. Worst of all, I was scared of losing you. I was jealous that someone else would get you, and I wasn't strong enough to see that, because I loved you, Emerald. And I love you a lot. I love you, Emerald. You have just became a very important part of my life and I have no idea how I will ever get you out of my mind. I've become obsessed. You got me like a love controller, and now it hurts that I'm leaving. But I love you. A lot. I love you, Emerald. I can repeat that for eternity, that I love you.
I'm glad that your parents are back together. And I'm wishing for you to get the best internship, best job and lead the best life. I'm wishing this for you because I am your shooting star, all of these will be possible. I promise you, Emerald. I am your shooting star, I'll forever be. So if you need anything, if you ever need to wish for anything, just look up in the sky and make a wish, referring to me, Leon, your shooting star, and you will get it, at the time you want, or a better time, or something better, or never have it if it won't be best for you. This is the promise I make to you, I'll keep watching out for you, forever and ever, for eternity, as long as I and you live.
I love you, Emerald.
I love you, Emerald.
I love you.

I finished the letter. Seconds passed. One. Two. Three. Four. And then I screamed at the top of my voice. I heard mum screaming back, and did I hear a car too? Or did I see an angel. I didn't know. All I truly remembered was seeing total darkness. I couldn't remember what happened next.

Wow, so she finally found the letter? Why did she scream? Did she remember? Or was it the shock of the letter? What do you think of the story? Please don't hesitate to tell me in the comments section. Also, please please please don't forget to VOTE.
Thanks for reading.

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