Chapter 5

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~Izuku POV~

I got to school today in a really glum mood. I'm... so... hungry. My hair was a mess, my eyes had bags under them and they looked deader(thats probs not even a word😜) than usual.

-Time skip to in class-

I opened the door and I saw that Katsuki wasn't here yet :( i stomped over to my seat and slouched on it and slammed my head on my crossed arms resting on the table in front. The whole class looked at me startled when they heard the massive bang from my head.

Someone came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder, not giving a care who it was i grunted and tried to fall asleep again. But the person was persistent and kept tapping my shoulder. I was getting pissed and abruptly stood up, eyes glowing red, wings out stretched behind me, nails growing into claws and teeth into daggers. I hadn't noticed the intoxicating smell in the room until i looked at whom it was coming from and i jumped back slightly cowering behind a desk and blocking my nose and mouth with my hand to block out the smell, but to no avail. I was scared as to what i might do to the poor human in the room and to make it worse it was Katsuki.

"Class take yo- ok whats going on this time?" Aizawa said after entering the room. I just stayed cowered away.

"Izuku, how long has it been since you had food?" I took me a while to muster up the courage to say,

"Last time i had food was when i was 10" Aizawa just stood there jaw dropped since not even a normal demon could go that long without food and by food i mean Human Souls.

"Ok izuku we need to get you out of here right now otherwise this will be trouble" Aizawa then grabbed the collar of my shirt and dragged me out the classroom and the other students wondered why the prince of demons was being dragged by a low level demon teacher.

Once out of sight of Katsuki the smell started to decrease in strength and i was calming down. I was now in the middle of the path at the front of school.

"Sensei, having a human in my class is too much! I dont know how long i'll be able to control myself for" i opened my eyes and saw there was quite a few people still standing outside waiting for the warning bell to go. I was still trying to calm down when a blow of wind flowed in my direction and i caught onto that beautiful scent again.

"Izuku its been 6 years since you had food, i know but im sure you can last one more day!" I didnt listen i just flashed my eyes red and stood up, stretching my wings and broadening my shoulders as my fangs grew, claws extended and wings glowed with red patterns.

"Izuku... whats wrong!?" A familiar voice called from the front door. The people who ended up circling me separated so that i could see  the human teenager. Another gust of wind blew past and that was it i snapped.

I lifted my arms and ran to Katsuki with the flap of my wings but before I could grab his neck Aizawa wrapped his scarf around me. I struggled to get free, occasionally reaching forward to try grab Katsuki but couldn't reach. I took one last swing with my arms and scratched his chest enough to draw blood. I brought my hand back and licked the blood on my claws savouring every tiny drop.

I looked up from my hand and saw a terrified Katsuki with wide eyes and his mouth open as he was shaking. I snapped back to reality,

My jaw dropped as i saw what i did and my eyes started to become blurry. He brought his hand to his chest and looked at it only to see lots of blood. I started to fall limp against Aizawas scarf and he slowly dropped me to the floor. I landed on my knees and looked at my hands as i saw water drop on them and i realised that i was crying. I started crying more and more the longer i sat there, my forehead rest on the floor as i hit my fist on the floor repeatedly.


I whipped my head around in the mist of dust and saw a dark figure standing tall. The mist cleared up and everyone gasped as i stood there glaring daggers at the figure in front of me.

"Son, your coming home, now"

~3rd POV~

"Son, your coming home, now"

"P-please n-no" Izuku croaked out.

"NOW Izuku no complaining"

"Y-yes f-father"


Everyone was shocked to hear the demon prince say yes father which meant the demon KING was present. All of the lower level demons bowed down on one knee and their right hand over their heart with their heads lowered. Suddenly there was the sound of someone breaking the wind barrier and the next second they looked up the two demons were gone...

-with Izuku and Hisashi-


"Im sorry father its been 6 years since i ate!"

"THEN YOU CAN GO ANOTHER 60! You know this deserves a punishment son" Hisashi said with an evil smirk. Izuku just nodded in response knowing what was coming.

Once they landed in front of the manner Hisashi grabbed Izukus collar and dragged him through the door and into the cellar. In the cellar there was a metal table with chains and a table of equipment that would be used in operations. Izuku was thrown onto the table and his father grabbed the chains and strapped them to his wrists, ankles, waist and neck to keep him in place. He then went to the table a picked up a syringe and stabbed it into Izukus neck causing him to wince slightly. Izukus vision started going blurry as he tried to stay conscious.

Next his father ripped of Izukus shirt and dropped it onto the floor next to the table. He grabbed a knife and scratched the words demons need food onto his chest and stomach, underlining each word. His blood smeared across his chest and onto the table. Next Hisashi dropped his fangs and lined himself up with Izukus neck and found the biggest vein to pierce and sucked about a litre of blood.

Finally Hisashi unchained Izuku and dragged his weak body over to a pair of chains hanging from the wall and strapped them to his wrist. He started by punching him in the abdomen, slowly moving up to his chest, breaking a few ribs, and to his face, and ending it with a kick to his jaw. A loud crack was heard throughout the room.

Hisashi left Izuku in the room strapped up and unconscious and went off to his bedroom.


Now were getting in with the abusive demon king of a father 😉
Im hoping to start making it a bit more gore like but idk :)

C ya

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