Chapter 6

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~3rd POV~
-at the start of school-

Once izuku made it to school he walked up to the door for class 1-A and slammed it open ignoring all the faces that lingered their eyes on him. The class all jumped and saw Izuku standing in the door with bruises on his jaw and a black eye with some scratches around his next from the chains.

Izuku slouched over and stumbled to his desk then flopped into the seat, ignoring Katsuki that was behind him. He was more distant than usual as he just stared out the window. As he focused his eyes on the window, he saw his reflection. He left his eyes looking into each other as he saw some of the other students looking at him out of the corner of his eye. Slowly his reflection started to change until his face looked just like his fathers in his demon form, which was not a nice sight.

Izuku screamed an ear piercing scream and jumped from his seat as he fell of with a loud bump. The class all started to crowed round him as he looked at his hands and saw his claws extend and his skin turn slightly green and scaly. He let out another ear piercing scream which then brought other students into the classroom only to see the demon prince screaming on the floor.

Izuku started to let some tears fall from his teary eyes. He felt someone bring him into an embrace. After a couple of seconds he realised he was being hugged and pulled away to see whom it was. Katsuki. He jumped back to the corner of the room and curled into a ball screaming 'stay away from me' and 'im dangerous'.

"Izuku, its ok i know you wont hurt me. Im your friend remember, i know you wouldn't hurt a friend because you have a kind heart and i love you for it." Katsuki said while slowly walking towards the weeping Izuku in the corner. Katsuki reached Izuku just in time for him to fling his arms around the humans waist and carry on crying into his shirt.

By the time Katzuki had calmed Izuku down his shirt was soaked in tears. The other students were just watching at how vulnerable the demon prince was around Katsuki.

Izuku pulled away from Katsukis chest and brought his eyes to the others.

"Thank you... Katsuki... i-i-i love y-you as well" he said as he brought their lips together into a heated yet passionate kiss. They couldnt hear all the gasps and whispering coming from all around because they were only focused on themselves at the moment.

After a good minute of kissing they pulled apart, a string of saliva connecting their lips. They just smiled each other.

"What the hell are you doing! Your the demon prince! You shouldn't be showing affection to a mere human!"
Someone screamed from the crowd.

Izuku stood up with Katsuki in his arms and slowly let go of him. He was now fully standing with his wings outstretched and his claws grew.

"Say that again... i dare you" he said, his eyes flashing green for a second.

He slowly started to walk towards the person who spoke.

"Whats your name?" He asked slightly frustrated.

"M-m-monoma sir" he replied scared.

"Drop the sir would ya" he exclaimed even more frustrated than before.

"Now im going to make your life a living hell!" He added while starting to speed up his walking. Monoma just cowered away in fear of what the demon prince might do to him. Right before Izuku could grab monomas neck someone hugged him from behind. He instantly knew whom it was.

"Katsuki, let go! He insulted us. He MUST be punished!"

"No Izuku, its ok. Not everyone has to like the thought of us being together" Katsukis grip tightened as he said that.

"Ok then my prince, i wont kill him" Izuku said while turning around to look Katsukis in the eyes and give him a peck on the forehead.

"Hey Katsuki lemme ask you a question"

"Go ahead"

"Why dont you hate me after what i did to you yesterday" he asked with sadness.

"Why would i hate you? Everyone has they're bad days" he replied.

"Although you could make it up to me by telling me why you have all those bruises" Izuku tensed.

'How do i tell him?'was the only thing going through Izukus mind at this moments.

3 minutes had passed and Izuku found a way to tell them. He stood up, stepping away from everyone else and took off his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. He dropped the shirt on the floor and heard gasps from all around.

"This is what you get if you do something Satan doesnt like"

More gasps were heard.

"What the hell! Im gunna kill that bastard!" Katsuki said with tears in his eyes. Although he only knew Izuku for about a week he grew fond of him.

Katsuki ran up to Izuku and engulfed him in a hug. Izuku stood there in shock as the other students all awed. Uraraka who Izuku saw in the background was tilting her head telling Izuku to return the embrace. Izuku did as she motioned and wrapped his arms around Katsukis neck and rested his head on the blondes.

-Time skip-(izuku isnt here)

"Right were going to convince Izuku that we can help him in any way possible but he might not agree so Katsuki we may need your help" Aizawa said to the class. They all nodded in agreement including the flushed Katsuki.

"But whatever you do, DO NOT say a word about food, blood or souls in anyway. He is not stable right now"

-Tine skip- (Izukus back)

"Sir we must do something! We cant leave you with that bastard of a king!"
Aizawa-sensei shouted. The whole class was there and knew what happened when Izuku went home. They were discussing what to do and how to help him.

"Hey i dont need your help you pathetic low level demons!" I can handle myself! Im the demon prince for christs sake"
Izuku scoffed and turned to look out the window. He leant his back on the wall with his arms crossed and his leg bent slightly.

Katsuki stood from his chair and walked up to Izuku and wrapped his arms around his neck. He tilted his head slightly forward to rest their foreheads together.

"Hey Izu, look, let us help, please" Katsuki looked up at Izukus flushed face, caused by the nick name, with pleading eyes.

"There isnt anything you can do my prince, he's too powerful and i dont want you to get hurt" he said sadly.

"But we want to help, its our choice not yours" the stern voice sent shivers down Izukus spine.

"Fine, you can help but i dont know how"

"I know we can treat your wounds if when you get them and we'll buy you blood to help y- " Uraraka was stopped by Izuku shooting her a look of anger with his eyes flashing red.

"Uraraka!" The class shouted in unison.

But little did they know, someone was listening in to their whole conversation... waiting... watching...



Idk if thats a good cliffhanger or not but i thought u might as well try it out.

Im gunna try and include the things like the quirk test, USJ visit, sports festival and training camp sooner or later so i hope you all stick around 😜


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