Chapter 16

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Also i forgot to mention... 38k views!? I'm honestly so surprised😹 thank you so much💖


-3rd PoV-

Soon after the school bell rang through the halls, the students of class 1-A were heading to Katsuki's room to talk to the injured greenie.

The door slammed open and the class pushed into the room hastily to see Izuku laid on the bed with Katsuki sat on a chair next to him and holding his hand. Izuku had his eyes closed and lips slightly parted as he slept. He was awoken by soft fingers pushing his hair out of his eyes.

The shimmering green of his eyes was soon seen as he looked among the class and the corner of his lips quirked up slightly in a small, unnoticeable smirk. That smirk that he had quickly disappeared as he shook his head with a confused expression.

His eyes darted around the room in worry as his classmates started to turn to dust slowly. One by one they all disappeared and floated away in the wind. His eyes were wide in shock as he felt the weight being lifted off his hand only to look at an empty wall where Katsuki once was.

Suddenly the bed disappeared from under him and he was falling down a deep dark hole and screaming at the top of his lungs. Until his back hit cold, hard ground.

He turned onto all fours and gasped for air while gripping his shirt and hearing the sounds of chains around his wrists. A thump was heard when he fell onto his butt and looked at his wrists chained up and connected to his ankles.

He gulps harshly before he slowly stands up and takes in his surroundings. It was a dark run down room with the white, now grey, paint peeling off the walls, a small bed in the corner with claw marks all over it. Overgrow weeds seeping through the cracks in the wall and the single smashed window at the end of the wall.

He took one step to the window before he heard a deep growling sound from behind him. Too scared to face the creature he knew was there, he stayed put and stared at the now interesting floor.

Squelching noises became louder and louder until it completely took over the silence that was once there. Izuku grabbed his head and covered his ears, screaming for the horrific noises to stop.

But of course...

They didn't.

The noises grew even louder and holding his ears and screaming couldn't cover it.

He looks down at the floor with determined eyes that glowed a bright green. He lowered his hands and clenched his fists tight enough to draw blood from his nails.

The crimson liquid dripped onto the floor as he stepped back to his original spot and took a deep breath with closed eyes. From behind him he could hear the monsters squelching, sounding as if his face was morphing into something completely different.

Slowly and steadily, Izuku turned his body, limb by limb, and looked at the floor, now facing the creature. Somehow his mind pieced together that the agonising noises would only stop if he looks at the thing creating the sound he feared.

Once again he took one deep breath and gulped down the saliva building up in his mouth.

'Just do it Izuku, don't be a coward!'

He looked up quickly and his eyes snapped open when he looked up with terrified eyes. His breath hitched when he took in the sight before him, no words able to form.

Thankfully the sound of the monster had stopped but he could now only hear the thoughts running through his head. Which in his opinion was even worse.

He stared up and straight into the eyes of the monster before him which was gazing back into his own.

Somehow there was an odd comforting atmosphere in the room. With the silence surrounding them both and no more thoughts racing around his head, Izuku finally felt at peace. The comfort he felt is indescribable.

You know when you're in the arms of your loved one and you know that they will protect you no matter what? Or when you're being praised for an achievement you recently got? That's the type of comfort at the moment. Almost family like.

But that comfort soon came to an end as it became more tense and humid. Sweat dripped down Izuku's forehead like bullets falling to the floor while he raised his hand in time with the creatures.

Time almost stopped for a second when their hands both reached the same height, still gazing into each others eyes like a trance had been cast over them.

Izuku held his breath as his hand slowly moved closer at the same time as the monsters until they touched.

The cold, cool touch of a smooth surface.

The cold, cool touch of a mirror.

Izuku sat up in his bed abruptly and gasped with sweat rolling down his cheeks and clenches fists.

Katsuki sat up in the bed with tired eyes snd looked at Izuku.

"Deku! What the fuck!?" He exclaimed in a loud and annoyed tone.

"K-kacchan...? I-i'm sorry... i-i h-had a n-night-m-mare..." he whispers in an apologetic tone.

"It's fine Deku. Just sleep, we have school tomorrow" Katsuki says while he lays back down and starts snoring again.

Izuku followed Katsuki's moves and releases a deep breath.

"Just a nightmare..." he says with a sigh as he lays down and snuggles into Katsuki's chest while he feels strong arms pulling him closer and slowly felt his eyes droop shut.

"No wings, no horns, no demons... just a nightmare"


Words: 957

So this is actually going to be the end of this story.

Sorry if you guys expected me to write more but i hope i will write more another time for another story but not right now xx

I hope you enjoyed this story💜

Signing off @kpop_weeblings ✌️<3

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