Chapter 12

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~3rd PoV~

"Found you, my prince"


Katsuki didn't know what to do. The love of his life, the meaning of his happiness was standing there, right in front of him, after he thought he lost him.

But it wasn't the Izuku Katsuki came to love. It was a scary, twisted version.

Katsuki wanted to jump into his arms and cry his heart out, while wrapping his arms around his lover. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.

Eat ice cream in the summer sitting on a bench in the park, watching their children running around playing hide and seek, smiling and laughing.

Or walk around the busy city they lived in, in winter, wrapped up in their warm coats and scarfs, holding hands, enjoying the cold breeze.

Or sitting inside at night with fluffy blankets covering the two as they sat on the sofa cuddling whilst watching a movie with their children sound asleep in front of them.

Thats the life he wanted. The life they both wanted but never actually admitted it.

Katsuki regretted not asking whether they were official or not so that he could brag to the class and the school about what a wonderful boyfriend he had.

But that couldn't happen now. Because Izuku was consumed by his hunger, his greed and his hatred.

Katsuki wanted to bring him back but he didn't know how.

"Please, izuku, please come back to me"

Words: 239
I felt like a shorter chapter works better right now just to add suspense so sorry if you were hoping for a longer one 💜

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