Chapter 11

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~Katsuki PoV~

No! No... no... NO! Izuku don't leave! Please, i need you! Don't go! Fight it! Please Izu! I love you too much to let you go! I can't do this without you! I need you so much! No! No!




His screaming pleads slowly faded away until all that was left was silence...

~time skip~

Where am i? Whats happening? Did i die? Am i asleep? How long have i been here?  Why am i here? What happened to the class? The teachers? Izuku!? Did his father get him? Whats happening to him right now? What will his dad do? I need to see him! Now!

But how im asleep... or dead.

Wait whats that? Theres a bright light...


A figure forming in it

It has wings...

And horns...

Who- no, what is it?

I need a closer look...

~3rd PoV~

Katsuki was walking, slowly, towards the figure in the beaming light ahead of him, squinting his eyes so he could focus them on the creature ahead. 

As he walked closer, he felt more and more weight pushing him back, each step getting harder and harder until just before he could make our what the creature was he lost all strength and collapsed and fell backwards.

Tumbling and rolling. It went on for only a few seconds, the light disappearing and fading into darkness. The only thing left of the figure ahead was its glowing, red, eyes.

He soon came to a stop, slightly dazed from all the twisting and turning. Looking around, side to side, up and down, realising he was floating in darkness, he began to scream, shout, call for someone to help him.

But to no avail.

No one was around to help him.

He was alone...


*flashback*(he's 7 right now)

"Daddy!" The little boy said squealing with joy as his dad, the no.1 hero, got back from his journey abroad.

He jumped at the elder as he held out his arms ready to catch the smaller.

With ease he caught the child and embraced him deeply.

"Son i love you and you know that right" he said as a whisper in the child's ear.

The younger pulled away from the embrace so that he could look into his fathers eyes.

"Of course i do daddy" he beamed.

"Im glad to hear it, my son" he embraced him again.

"Son just promise me that if i disappear one day, you'll take my place as the no.1 hero and keep my legacy alive. Don't put yourself in a position where you can't do anything to help others. Put others first and protect them. And make sure to protect your mother especially. Please promise me that" he looked up with glossy eyes, tears threatening to fall.

"Daddy why are you saying this" the younger asked worrying about his father.

"I can't explain that to you right now, but you'll know in time. Just... please... son, promise me"

"Okay daddy, i will i promise!" His eyes started to tear up as well as his father tears started falling.


"Daddy what was that!?" The already tearing boy asked his father as his face paled.

His father looked around frantically, as if looking for something, and as if right on cue a woman walked around the corner and saw the two of them. He quickly ran up to her and spoke to her but the child couldn't hear over all the noise.

His father pulled him close and started talking again.

"Son remember your promise ok"

He said as he handed me to the woman and started walking away.

The boy was screaming and calling out for his father to come back and when he was a safer distance from his son he turned around and mouthed something to the boy.

"I love you, Katsuki Bakugou"

*flashback end*

He slowly opened his eyes and, although his vision was blurry, he managed to see the outline of people crowding around his bed. Their voices muffled in his head as he tried to figure out what they were saying but his mind only heard incoherent noises.

Blinking, repeatedly, slowly regaining his vision. He could make out the faces of Uraraka, Lida, Kaminari and Kirishima.
The others were still unclear.

"G-Guys... w-whats h-happening?" He managed to speak slowly with a dry throat.

They all stopped their conversations and silence filled the room.

"Quick sit him up! His face is turning red" a commanding voice he recognised to be Lida spoke as he was sat up against the bed.

"Bakugou, can you hear me?"

All he did was slightly nod.

"Okay good, can you see me?"

He nodded again this time a little more hesitant.

"Mmm okay, are you having trouble seeing us?"

He nodded almost instantly.

"W-what h-happened?" He stuttered out.

"We were going to ask you that. You were screaming and crying while you were asleep, telling someone to not leave"

he started remembering everything that had just happened. From the figure to the flashback. Trying to figure out what the... thing, was.

He started to feel a bit nauseous again and his vision, the part he could see clearly, started to fade and he felt like he was about to fall asleep once more. The others calling him, trying to keep his eyes open. He started blinking slowly as his eyes drifted shut, trying to embrace the darkness.

The voices started to fade as his eye lids collapsed and shut for the nth time today. And he was greeted by the same darkness as earlier, but more, worrying.

The darkness wasn't as welcoming as it used to be, it was scary. Katsuki never found the dark to be scary , but this dark scared the life out of him. His anxiousness started increasing the longer he stayed there, floating in the same abyss as earlier. The same one he saw the figure in. The same one where the only memory of his father replayed.

The sound of chains rattling echoed in the darkness, not knowing where it came from, Katsuki frantically looked around, trying to find the source of the noise, but it was no use. There was no one

The chains slowly got quieter u til they were barley heard, then, someone started whistling a creepy tune. Then the chains got louder and louder and louder, until...


The silence was soon interrupted by the youngers arm being tapped. He whipped his head around and came face to face with his worst nightmare...

"Found you, my prince~"

Words:1099 (lmao)

Finally back with another chapter and i hope you guys like it😁 i love cliffhangers so much and my friend who i just got to read my story is probs really annoyed😹

Love y'all💜

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