Chapter 15

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~3rd PoV~

The whole class was tired. But no where near as tired as one specific teacher who was up all night pacing around the infirmary room panicked and worried for the younger boy who looks to be dead. Slowly he started to fall into this state of mind thinking that he was a lost cause, in a coma or dead.

Aizawa was always wearing his blank face to cover any emotion he felt but even though his expression never changed, you could see the bags under his eyes and that his skin was a slightly pastier white than usual. But then again, same goes for everyone in their class.

It's been a week since izuku has been in a coma and the class joined katsuki everyday as soon as classes finished to visit izuku until the end of visiting hours. Put of the whole class, katsuki is the one who has suffered the most during this long week. He hasn't slept at all and hasn't been eating unless kirishima forces him to do so.

Kaminari, the one who is usually energetic and happy is always looking at the floor to hide his red swollen eyes.

Kirishima, who always has something to say, has said the least that all of them.

Uraraka, she was always smiling and being kind to everyone but now she wears a permanent frown.

Lida, he was the one who completely changed, he was the one to always be in charge and take the lead but now he just sits in the background and think about how he failed in protecting izuku.

Slowly but surely, everyone started losing that hope that izuku would wake up which drove them all to the hospital every day. Until one day.

Izuku, who has been lying on the bed looking so pale and lifeless, only the beeping of the heart monitor in the room, has opened his eyes.

Katsuki who was sat on the chair next to izuku's bed and was playing with his hand was the first to notice. He jumped out of his seat and immediately called for a nurse to come in. This whole scene caught everyone's attention and they crowded around the bed to see izuku's eyes fluttering open and closed. The light of the hospital room seeming very foreign to the demon prince.

Aizawa being the one in charge, and also just wanting to see if izuku was okay, pushes everyone away slightly using the excuse 'give him some space'. He say on the opposite side of katuski, next to izuku, and put his hand on the boy's forehead to check his temperature. Once he deemed it fine he put his hand down and smiled for the first time ever in front of the class.
Who would have thought that his student going through hell and back would be the thing to put a smile on their teachers lips.

Recovery girl come into the room just as the questions started coming from all the students. Izuku who was feeling so overwhelmed by everything was just looking at katsuki with sparkling eyes which was also returned, their eyes saying all the things they want to say to each other.

The nurse does her tests on izuku and gives him a little check up. Once he's deemed clear from illnesses he gets checked for injuries which is quite obvious that he has a lot of them. He gets a bandage on his left arm which goes over his shoulder and torso as well as down to his forearm and his right knee, with the occasional plaster.

Izuku was given the all clear and he smiles widely as he gets wheeled out the infirmary on a wheelchair by katsuki. As soon as they were outside the questions came back.

"Izuku how are you feeling!?"

"What happened with the king!?"

"Did the king do this to you!?"

"Do you know where the king is now cuz i'm gunna go pound his ass!"

Aizawa shuts them up with his scarf swiftly then motions for katsuki to talk to izuku seen as he didn't seen very comfortable with everyone talking so loudly.

Katsuki smiles softly and bends down in front of izuku and pushes a strand of green hair behind the boy's ear which earns him a smile.

"First of all, how are you feeling izuku?" Tho hot head speaks in a surprisingly soft voice.

"I'm doing absolutely swimmingly" the greeny replies in a sarcastic tone while rolling his eyes then ends it with a smile which makes the whole class chuckle.

"Still a joker at least. How about we talk when we get back to the dorms? You can all come to my dorm room" katsuki speaks and pushes izuku's wheelchair into the distance with the class following, not seeing the deadly smirk on the greeny's lips...
Words: 807

Well guys, i finally updated!!!🎉🎉😱
This isn't very good baring in mind i pretty much forgot what has happened in this story so far😹 i hope yall enjoyed the cliffhanger which i will hopefully get around to carrying on.

Till then byeee! Xx💜💘

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