Meeting the little rose

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It all started with prince Alexander in his studying room with sir Gareth he hated being to fancy so he has to make sure that he goes outside so he ran outside the studying room before sir Gareth can catch him, as soon as he went to his fathers throne room he ask. "Father can I go outside the castle walls I never seen the outside before so please." Alexander begged and king Kendrick nods and Alex ran off to his room to get dressed in his knights uniform while sir Gareth tried to make sure Alex fallows the royal rules of royalty. "Your highness with all due respect prince Alexander is too young to go outside." Sir Gareth said but Alex was already in his knights uniform and went outside the castle. "Let him go Gareth he is old enough to take care of himself he is 17 let him live his life." King Kendrick said very proud of his son while sir Gareth stands in defeated by the king and the prince he just hopes he doesn't get defeated by a princess (he jinxed it)

*Few minutes later*

Alex was walking alone while admiring the beautiful nature until he came across a strange contraction that caught his eye it looked strange but he didn't want his curiosity get the better of him so he went to a flower shop instead once he was there he saw different types of flowers but there is one type of flower that caught Alex's eyes... roses Alex loves roses mostly because they are beautiful in their own way but before Alex can pick the blue one he heard a little girls voice. "Mommy why can't we take the black rose it looked pretty." That made Alex turn around and look at the girl with her mom. "Definitely not the black roses means death to your loved ones let's pick a more lovely flower instead of that dreaded black rose." The mother said holding her daughters hand while Alex walked up to the black rose he looked at the rose that is wilting losing some of its petals, Alex then cut himself on the thorns of the black rose. "Whoa now carful That Rose has a lot of thorns so it's better to just hold it by the pot." The flower shop keeper said to the prince doesn't know he is a prince.

"Sure I'll keep that in mind.....where did you get this rose?" Alexander asked politely. "Well to be honest I just got different types of rose seeds except for the black ones while I planted the white roses I came back for a few weeks and I saw a black rose with the white roses but I just left it in there to keep safe." The flower shop keeper said in her cherry voice. " much for the black rose?" Alex said while the female flower shop keeper is surprised but she said. "Well it's not for sale since people don't want it but I see you want it so it's only twelve golden coins." Alex nods and gave her twelve golden coins and she gave him the black rose. "Thank you have a nice day." Alex said walking farther away from the female shop while she waved him goodbye then she got back to work while Alex held the wilting rose flower.

When Alex got back his father was surprised but let alex keep the black rose Alex went to his room where a fresh pot of soil was he grabbed the rose and he could feel the thorns sticking his hands but he put it down in the pot he tried everything to make it bloom water sunlight flower food everything nothing helped so he went to forte sacks tower to get help from him so Alex knocked on the door. "Go away I'm busy." Is what Alex heard. "Oh come on forte sack I need someone to help me bloom this rose." Forte sack then opened the door and saw the black rose wilting he told Alex to put the rose on his work desk. "So have you tried giving it water?" Forte sack asked. "I did that still not blooming." That didn't surprise forte sack so he said. "Did you give it sunlight?" Alex nods his head but that still didn't surprise him. "Ok then how about e.x.t" he asked he nods again and that surprised forte sack so he said. "Sorry your highness but I can't help you with this but I know who can you have to go to the dark part of enchanted island that is where you will find baba cara she is an expert on flowers even though she doesn't like them but she does like flowers if they are black." Alex nods and thanked forte sack for the help (even though he is evil but he is a switch so deal with it)

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